
We don't want to keep your profile within fullstack-challenges because we want to version it with git as a separate project. So let's copy your profile as an independent folder and jump into it:

cd ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/fullstack-challenges/04-Front-End/01-HTML-and-CSS/04-Responsive-profile
cp -r profile ~/code/<user.github_nickname>
cd ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/profile

Create the Github repo

Let's install the hub gem to create a Github repo from your terminal without opening your browser (very useful when you are lazy 😉)

gem install hub

Now you can init(ialize) a git repository, commit your changes, and create the associated Github repo:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "my profile page"
hub create # this creates the associated repo on Github!

To open the Github repo from your browser you can run:

hub browse

Github Pages

Github Pages is a sub-service of Github that makes it easy to deploy any static website in 10 seconds (static == not a Rails app). It is based on a "magic" branch, called gh-pages. When Github detects this branch, it puts your website online. Awesome right? Let's create this magic branch and push it. ✨🌿✨

git co -b gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages # we push the gh-pages branch, not master!

Now you can build the URL http://<user.github_nickname> (this is the URL built automatically by Github) and have a look at your masterpiece online! Share the link on Slack with your buddies.

From now and until the end of the day, you can keep working in your ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/profile directory AND on the gh-pages branch. This means any updates of your profile can be pushed on http://<user.github_nickname> through usual git commands:

git add .
git commit -m "make my profile prettier"
git push origin gh-pages

Submit your code to Kitt

As you weren't in fullstack-challenges your work won't be submitted on Kitt, if you want to mark this challenge as complete you can do the following:

cd ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/fullstack-challenges/04-Front-End/01-HTML-and-CSS/05-Push-on-Github-Pages
cp -r ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/profile .
rm -rf profile/.git
git add .
git commit -m "Submitting my work to Kitt"
git push origin master