This is a movie collection management app developed for Android devices using Java and Android Studio. The app allows users to add, edit, and organize their favorite movies into different categories, such as "Watched," "In Progress," and "Desired".
- TextViews and EditText: Used for displaying and inputting movie details.
- Buttons and Toasts: Facilitate user interactions and display short messages.
- CheckBox and RadioButton: Provide options for multiple and single selections.
- Spinner: Allows users to select the movie category.
- RecyclerView: Displays the list of movies in an organized and scrollable format.
- Screen Transitions: Enables navigation between different app activities.
- Option Menus and Context Menus: Offer additional functionalities through contextual menus.
- Contextual Action and Up Buttons: Provide contextual actions and navigation options.
- Shared Preferences: Stores simple user settings, such as app preferences.
- Internationalization: Supports multiple languages for a global user experience.
- Message Display and Dialog Boxes: Inform users about actions and important events.
- Room Persistence Library: Utilizes SQLite through Room for persistent data storage of movie collections.
The app implements basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing the movie collection. Users can add a movie to the collection by entering its name, selecting its category, and choosing the list to which the movie should be added. Additionally, users can edit and remove movies as needed.
- Add Movie: Enter the movie name in the text field, select the category, and choose the destination list.
- Manage Movies: Use RecyclerView to view and manage your movie collection.
- Preferences and Internationalization: Customize app settings and switch between supported languages.