Source code for Cocktail Robot for Roboexotica, see
(c) 2023-2024 Christian Schüler,
Using TypeScript, Electron, Google Media Pipe (vision), Socket.IO, onoff.
This is the main repo of the SquatBot cocktail mixing robot.
git clone
npm i
npm run build
Please see below for config.
You might use npm run watch.
When updating, please make sure you download latest model file into /models folder and copy latest wasm files from node_modules into /wasm folder.
There is IngredientPump.ts and CocktailButtons.ts having import from either Gpio mock class or onoff. Uncomment onoff on Rasperry Pi. Uncomment Gpio.ts on Windows.
npm run start
To start the web server. Browse to http://localhost:5000 to enable face tracking using the web cam.
Or use
npm run startui
to fire of Electron as web broswer and all is done.
Create a copy of the .env.template file, name it .env and fill in.
# OpenAI GPT-3 API key goes here. Get it from here:
# OpenAI GPT-3 API key goes here. Get it from here:
targetSquats = 2 # how many squats to perform
gameWinTimeout_s = 10 # how long until the next game might start
faceMinX = 100 # only use faces in the center region
faceMaxX = 540 # only use faces in the center region
gameStartTimeout_s = 3 # how long to see a face for starting a game
topOffset_px = 20 #
bottomOffset_px = 0 #
gameLeftTimeout_s = 3 # cancel the game after 3 consecutive seconds without a face detected
squatFactor = 1.2 #