

Build Status


This project is a show case and is intentionally open-ended. The project will be assessed on code quality, UI/UX, and overall quality and feel of the app.

App Premise:

This application is an example of shopping app store.

  • The user can browse a list of categories and products under the same category.
  • The user can access to a product info screen where he can add the product to a shopping cart.
  • The user can access to the shopping cart of the added products, where he can set the product amount or remove it from the cart.
  • The user can access to an order summary with shipping option.
  • The user can enter customer information
  • The user can choose a payment method


  • 100% programmatic UI - No Storyboard
  • 3rd Party Libraries: Realm


  • Use the Realm framework for saving data


  • It is not intended to show a professional design, but a developer should have rudamentary design knowledge.

Application Structure:

  • Welcome screen
  • Categories main screen
  • Products under the same category
  • Product info screen with add and buy buttons
  • Shopping cart
  • Order summary with shipping option
  • Customer information
  • Payment method