The CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager Web Services enable you to automate tasks that are usually performed manually in the EPM console.
The EPM Web Services SDK is a RESTful API that can be invoked by any RESTful client for various programming and scripting environments, including Java, C#, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby.
The EPM Web Services SDK enables you to perform activities on EPM objects via a REST Web Service interface. Each EPM object has its own URL path in the EPM website that can be accessed using the relevant HTTP/S request verb.
6 May, 2019 - Repo creation
- The original version of this Postman collection can be found at
20 Aug, 2019 - Initial commit of v11.0 EPM RestAPI.postman_collection.json
- The changes in the Postman collection in this repository reflect the new EPM Rest API capabilities to manage policies.
21 Aug, 2019 - changes to and v11.0 EPM RestAPI.postman_collection.json
- Modifications to v11.0 EPM RestAPI.postman_collection.json fixing the URLs changing {{Address}} to https://{{Address}} on the APIs where it was missing
- Changing the HTTP Method from POST to PUT on the Update Policy - For Ad Hoc User Elevation Policy only - "AdHocElevate" Policy type API call.
- Added a Test to the SaaS Server Version example API call to setup an environment variable called "Version"
- Include a Postman environment file to be imported and used with v11.0 EPM RestAPI.postman_collection.json
22 Aug, 2019 - Reformatting the collection
- Renamed and rearranged the order based on the documentation at:
- Got tests working to fill in some of the environment variables i.e. the {{Address}}, {{Token}}, and {{Version}}. Not sure about adding tests for the other calls as they have the capability of returning more than one object in the response.