BAC0 - Library depending on BACpypes3 (Python 3) to build automation script for BACnet applications
Jupyter NotebookLGPL-3.0
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Problem with LocalObject
#506 opened by Sekiro-kost - 0
Problem with write_weeklySchedule method (Any.encode() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self')
#504 opened by jucajata - 4
Read Multiple request_dict Returns One
#485 opened by chrisreichert53 - 2
trendlog : not a sequence element: presentValue
#503 opened by benzwd - 1
bacnet read property method returns string instead of list while reading PropertyList of an object(device)
#501 opened by Sharath-Kumar-MR - 4
Points not detected by YABE
#478 opened by SIDRAGNEEL - 4
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BAC0 Initialization Error
#473 opened by rtarpara - 6
TypeError in BAC0 during ReadMultiple Process
#488 opened by salsfasser - 5
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BACnet readMultiple only returns last property
#499 opened by bill-clapham - 7
Issue with connecting to device
#464 opened by maciejbak85 - 1
Documentation needs to be updates
#468 opened by ChristianTremblay - 4
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KeyError exception when reading 'all' properties with show_property_name=True
#490 opened by laurentderu - 7
RuntimeError: no running event loop
#471 opened by leaf188 - 3
History for Boolean/Enum points which have a propertyAccessError get registered with artificial values
#462 opened by ohshazbot - 2 For Device Level Properties
#489 opened by TheeHappyCoder - 7
BAC0 on kubernetes
#460 opened by CSEGarazas - 1
static ip issues
#484 opened by Jzhenli - 14
Issue writing to LAVs
#455 opened by michael-senva - 2
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Adding schedule and accumulator to object factory
#457 opened by yujia21 - 6
RuntimeError "no broadcast" when attempting device discovery with defaults
#472 opened by mswank-tagup - 5
Doesn't work with Python 3.12 since asyncore is removed
#459 opened by yyli - 1
Fix GH Actions... again
#469 opened by ChristianTremblay - 1
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Issue Accessing / retrieving data from visible device
#458 opened by bdesalle - 8
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In BAC0, Is it possible to expose actual points to Bacnet Server Points ?
#444 opened by Daniel-V-Richardson - 4
Device properties not accessible
#446 opened by jhughesbiot - 1
json file : mac-address
#451 opened by ChristianTremblay - 4
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How to disconnect only one device
#454 opened by DubarryXavier - 8
Ansyc branch
#447 opened by bbartling - 8
Write on local device with external software
#439 opened by Sekiro-kost - 5
Issue connecting to my devices during the Montreal daylight saving time transition period.
#448 opened by geckotronic - 22
Discover and WhoIs provide inconsistent results
#431 opened by torablien - 2
Issue with exiting then restarting BAC0 script
#428 opened by dqcontrols - 7
How to subscribe COVProperty using BAC0?
#433 opened by Chris-Wang-bjc - 3
Simulated device not sending COV
#442 opened by Weird-Banana - 4
BAC0 with Docker
#440 opened by Rahul14189 - 3
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