
These scripts comprise an analysis pipeline for differential expression, weighted gene co-expression network, and gene ontology overrepresentation analyses of RNA-seq data.

Corresponding article: Harder, AM, Willoughby, JR, Ardren, WR, Christie, MR. Among‐family variation in survival and gene expression uncovers adaptive genetic variation in a threatened fish. Mol Ecol. 2020; 29: 1035–1049.

Run order for RNA-seq data:

  1. Builds HISAT2 index for reference genome and maps reads to reference genome. Outputs SAM file per sample.

  2. Sorts SAM files and writes sorted BAM files.

  3. Assembles transcripts for each sample, merges all transcripts from all samples and the reference annotation, and compares assembled sample transcripts to known transcripts. Writes merged GTF file.

  4. Generates text file with count matrix for all samples using sorted BAM files and merged GTF file.

  5. deseq2.R: Conducts differential gene expression analyses using DESeq2 in R. Requires count matrix generated with featureCounts and CSV file of sample information (i.e., family, treatment, sample name).

  6. wgcna.R: Constructs weighted gene co-expression network analysis using normalized counts written from DESeq2.

  7. goterms.R: Tests for gene ontology (GO) term enrichment in lists of module genes produced by WGCNA.

  8. metacoder_files: Code and example files for running metacoder tree building (Fig. 3 in manuscript) [added March 2021]

  9. permutations.R: Iterates over DEGs identified in deseq2.R to calculate regressions (1000X) for each gene and treatment combination, randomly including one individual per family and treatment combination per regression.

  10. perm_means_quantiles.R: Calculates means and quantiles for regression slopes and coefficent for each gene and treatment combination using output generated by permutations.R

A script is also included for survival analyses using mortality data.

survival_analysis.R: Constructs Kaplan-Meier survival distributions and fits Cox proportional hazards regression model to get hazard ratio values for genetic families.