This repository contains code for the following questions:
- Define the function MaxHeapify that maintains the max-heap property for the subtree rooted at index i in an array of size N.
- Compute the index l of the left child of the node at index i.
- Compute the index r of the right child of the node at index i.
- Initialize largest to i, assuming the root node has the largest value.
- Verify if the left child exists (l < N) and is greater than the root node (arr[i]). If so, update largest to l.
- Verify if the right child exists (r < N) and is greater than the current largest value (arr[largest]). If so, update largest to r.
- If the largest value is not at the root (i), swap the root with the largest child.
- Recursively call MaxHeapify on the subtree rooted at the index largest to ensure the subtree maintains the max-heap property.
- Define the function convertMaxHeap that transforms an arbitrary array into a max-heap.
- Iterate from the last internal node (int((N - 2) / 2)) up to the root (0), applying MaxHeapify to ensure each subtree satisfies the max-heap property.
- Define a helper function printArray that prints all elements of an array.
Create an array arr representing a min-heap: [3, 5, 9, 6, 8, 20, 10, 12, 18, 9]. Determine the length of the array: N = len(arr). Execution:
Print the original min-heap array using printArray. Convert the min-heap to a max-heap by calling convertMaxHeap(arr, N). Print the converted max-heap array using printArray.
##Question 2: Heapify an array
- Define the function heapify that adjusts the subtree rooted at index i to maintain the heap property in an array of size n.
- Initialize largest to i. Assume the root of the subtree (arr[i]) is the largest.
- Calculate the index l of the left child of the root (arr[i]).
- Calculate the index r of the right child of the root (arr[i]).
- Check if the left child exists (l < n) and if it is greater than the root. If true, update largest to l.
- Check if the right child exists (r < n) and if it is greater than the current largest. If true, update largest to r.
- If largest is not the root (i), swap the root with the largest child.
- Call heapify on the subtree rooted at largest to ensure the subtree maintains the heap property.
- Define the function checkMinHeap which takes a list A and an index i as parameters.
- Check if i is a leaf node by verifying if 2*i + 2 (the index of the right child) is greater than or equal to the length of the list A.
- Return True if i is a leaf node since a leaf node trivially satisfies the min-heap property.
- Check if the left child (at index 2i + 1) is a valid heap: -Ensure A[i] (the value at the current node) is less than or equal to A[2i + 1] (the value of the left child). -Recursively call checkMinHeap function on the left child to ensure it is also a min-heap. -Assign the result to "left"
- Check if the right child (at index 2i + 2) is a valid heap: -If 2i + 2 is exactly at the end of the list (len(A)), then the right child does not exist, which is valid. -Otherwise, ensure A[i] is less than or equal to A[2*i + 2] (the value of the right child). -Recursively call checkMinHeap on the right child to ensure it is also a min-heap. -Assign the result to right.
- Return True if both the left and right subtrees (children) are min-heaps; otherwise, return False.
- Calculate and return the index of the left child of the node at index i. The left child is at position 2*i + 1.
- Calculate and return the index of the right child of the node at index i. The right child is at position 2*i + 2.
- Define a utility function swap to exchange the elements at indices i and j in the list A. Use a temporary variable temp to facilitate the swap.
- Define the heapify function to maintain the heap property starting from index i. Compute the indices of the left and right children using LEFT(i) and RIGHT(i). Initialize largest to i.
- Check if the left child exists (left < size) and is greater than the current node (A[i]). If so, update largest to left.
- Check if the right child exists (right < size) and is greater than the current largest value (A[largest]). If so, update largest to right.
- If the largest value is not at the current index i, swap the values at indices i and largest. Recursively call heapify on the subtree rooted at largest to ensure the heap property is maintained.
- Define the pop function to remove and return the root of the heap. If the heap is empty (size <= 0), return -1.
- Store the root value (A[0]) in top. Replace the root with the last element in the heap (A[size - 1]). Call heapify on the root node to maintain the heap property after the removal. Return the original root value (top).
- Define the heapsort function to sort a list A. Compute the length of the list n.
- Build the heap by calling heapify starting from the last internal node ((n - 2) // 2) up to the root node (0).
- Sort the list by repeatedly popping the root (maximum element) and placing it at the end of the list. Decrease the size of the heap (n - 1) each time.
- Define the function kLargest that takes a list arr and an integer k as parameters.
- Sort the list arr in descending order using sort(reverse=True). This means the largest elements will come first.
- Iterate through the first k elements of the sorted list using a for loop with range k
- Print each of these k largest elements, separated by a space (end=" " ensures that the elements are printed on the same line).
- Initialize a list arr with some example values.
- Set the value of k to 3, meaning we want to find the 3 largest elements from the list.
- Call the kLargest function with arr and k as arguments to print the 3 largest elements from the list.