
A project that explores using word genders as an additional source of information in neural machine translation

Primary LanguageRuby

Mitigating Gender Bias in Machine Translation: Target Language Grammatical Gender Projections Onto Source Language

Repository contains code and partial data for experiments described in Mitigating Gender Bias in Machine Translation: Target Language Grammatical Gender Projections Onto Source Language


Conda is recommended way to run experiments conda create -n gender-bias python=3.7.
Also make sure you have system-wide dependencies sudo apt install build-essential swig python-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev libsparsehash-dev.
Then switch into conda environment and install necessary tools via scripts/install_tools.sh.

Running experiments

Experiments are organized per language pair (training corpora).
Running bash scripts in order from scripts/{language}/*.sh will prepare data, train model and evaluate BLEU and WinoMT scores. Experiments for latvian_imba (large proprietary Tilde corpora) are not reproducible.
Each language pair trains 2 NMT systems baseline(base) with no TGA and gendered(genders2) with TGA in training data.

Evaluation results

Evaluation metrics are aggregated in evaluation_logs/{languate}/{experiment}/.
WinoMT test set translations are stored in data/wino_mt/{langage}/{experiment}.
Newstest translations can be found in data/dev_translations/{language}/{experiment}.


Paper-specific data preparation scripts can be found in scripts/python. Example usage can be found in scripts/common/ where these scripts are invoked.

  • generate_genders.py extracts gender annotations (M/F/N/U) using Stanza tagger
  • align_genders.py projects target gender annotations onto source side tokens
  • genders_bpe.py copy word level gender annotations to their respective sub-word parts
  • randomly_include_genders.py applies dropout to TGA
  • wino_mt_genders.py extract gold gender annotations from WinoMT dataset
  • wino_mt_genders_allen.py generate gender annotations using AllenNLP coreference resolution tool