
Async/await implementation of `DbDataAdapter`, with in-box support for `Microsoft.Data.SqlClient` and `System.Data.SqlClient`.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Implementation of asynchronous methods for ADO.NET

The implementation is based on source code provided by Microsoft on GitHub.

Onboarding and contributing

Version 5.0.1

  • Dependency changes (for all projects)
    • .Net Standard and .Net Core dependencies removed since they are deprecated/obsolete
    • Added .Net Core 6.0
    • Added .Net 4.8
      • This was left @ 4.8 to support Windows Server 2022 and any version of Windows 10/11 patched in the last couple of years

Version 5.0

  • Tooling: Visual Studio 2019 with .NET Core workload

  • Dependencies:

    • .NET Standard 2.0 for the AsyncDataAdapter library.
    • .NET Core 3.1 for the AsyncDataAdapter.Test project.
      • Currently uses NUnit 3.x, but I'd like to move-over to xUnit.
  • Future development goals:

    • I also want to get Appveyor working with this fork.
    • The Update and UpdateAsync methods need working test-cases.
    • Internally the project uses reflection to workaround some rather unfortunate design-decisions in the original DbDataAdapter and DbCommandBuilder classes - so these features may fail in some future update to .NET. Also they use MethodInfo.Invoke which can be improved by using Dynamic-Methods (i.e. IL-generation).
      • It would be a good idea to replace direct calls to reflected methods to interfaces that allow consumers to provide their own methods, e.g. to work-around any breaking changes to reflection in future builds of .NET, and so on.
  • Advisory: this project will likely be short-lived because Microsoft will eventually implement async support in their DbDataAdapter and subclasses, likely before .NET 7 around 2023.

Nuget package

Version 4.0

Version 3.0


Version 1.0 - 2.0



You can use the asynchronous methods using either the provider-specific concrete subclasses (such as SqlAsyncDbDataAdapter, for System.Data.SqlClient; and MSSqlAsyncDbDataAdapter for Microsoft.Data.SqlClient) - or via the interfaces IAsyncDataAdapter, IAsyncDbDataAdapter, IUpdatingAsyncDataAdapter, and IUpdatingAsyncDbDataAdapter.

Provider-specific subclasses

  • SqlAsyncDbDataAdapter
    • You will need to add a dependency to the Jehoel.AsyncDataAdapter.System.Data.SqlClient NuGet package.
  • MSSqlAsyncDbDataAdapter
    • You will need to add a dependency to the Jehoel.AsyncDataAdapter.Microsoft.Data.SqlClient NuGet package.
  • There is no AsyncDbDataAdapter class for System.Data.OleDb nor System.Data.Odbc because the lower-level OLE-DB and ODBC APIs do not expose an async-capable interface (at least, as far as I know).
    • While the base class System.Data.Common.DbDataReader does have a RaedAsync method, it's a fake-async event: Indeed, if you look at what happens when you use OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync or OdbcCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync they're just thin-wrappers over fake async methods (that either block the thread, or run the method in the background in the thread pool).#
      • Because of this, there is no async support for OLE-DB and ODBC in this library. Pull-requests that implement an async DataReader with fake async will not be accepted.


  • IAsyncDataAdapter and IAsyncDbDataAdapter
  • These interfaces extend IDataAdapter and IDbDataAdapter respectively with these new methods:
    • Task<Int32> FillAsync( DataSet, CancellationToken )
    • Task<DataTable[]> FillSchemaAsync( DataSet dataSet, SchemaType schemaType, CancellationToken cancellationToken ).
  • IUpdatingAsyncDataAdapter and IUpdatingAsyncDbDataAdapter
  • These interfaces extend IAsyncDataAdapter and IAsyncDbDataAdapter respectively with this method:
    • Task<Int32> UpdateAsync( DataSet dataSet, CancellationToken cancellationToken );

Sample usage for FillAsync(DataTable) and CancellationTokenSource

using (CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource( TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15) ))
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( this.connectionString ))
    await conn.OpenAsync( cts.Token );

    using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
        cmd.CommandText = "dbo.GetFast";
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Number", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 100000;

        using(SqlAsyncDbDataAdapter adapter = cmd.CreateAsyncAdapter()) // `CreateAsyncAdapter` is an extension method.
            DataTable singleTable = new DataTable();
            Int32 rows = await a.FillAsync(singleTable, cts.Token );
            return ds;

Sample usage for FillAsync(DataSet), without any CancellationToken

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( this.connectionString ))
    await conn.OpenAsync();

    using (SqlCommand c = conn.CreateCommand())
        c.CommandText = "GetFast";
        c.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        c.Parameters.Add("@Number", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 100000;

        using(SqlAsyncDbDataAdapter adapter = cmd.CreateAsyncAdapter())
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            Int32 rows = await a.FillAsync(ds);
            return ds;

Sample usage for UpdateAsync(DataSet), without any CancellationToken

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection( this.connectionString ))
using (SqlCommand selectCmd = conn.CreateCommand())
    c.CommandText = "GetFast";
    c.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    c.Parameters.Add("@Number", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 100000;

    using(MSSqlAsyncDbDataAdapter adapter = cmd.CreateAsyncAdapter())
    using(IAsyncDbCommandBuilder cmdBuilder = await adapter.CreateCommandBuilderAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) )
        DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
        _ = await a.FillAsync( dataSet );
        adapter.UpdateCommand = cmdBuilder.GetUpdateCommand();
        _ = await adapter.UpdateAsync( dataSet );

Regarding Update and UpdateAsync

  • This new library does support DbDataAdapter.Update and UpdateAsync with test coverage for all overloads.
    • This library also includes an async DbCommandBuilder base class.
      • This DbCommandBuilder class is necessary because the current base DbCommandBuilder in ADO.NET makes synchronous database calls to populate its internal schema cache.
  • The UpdateAsync methods should all work in principle however I am not currently able to test them adequately.
    • Indeed, the tests for Update and UpdateAsync currently fail because I honestly have no idea how to thoroughly and correctly test how Update and UpdateAsync work with respect to different Table Mappings and multi-table (DataSet and DataTable[]) updates.
    • There is a dearth of documentation available about this functionality, which is unfortunate, but understandable, given that Entity Framework has fully replaced the need for DbDataAdapter in my opinion.
  • If you're looking for UpdateAsync support, then please see