Weather Check


This project requires:

  • Ruby 3.1.3, preferably managed using rbenv
  • PostgreSQL must be installed and accepting connections
  • pnpm (added via corepack)
    • corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate Note: If you get an error with OSX command not found: corepack remove pnpm and yarn npm uninstall -g yarn pnpm then reinstall corepack npm install -g corepack

API Keys

You will need an API key from For the purposes of this demo project store API key in API_KEY_WEATHER_API in your .env.development file. Assumes Enterprise standard key management would be in use in place of this solution.

Getting started


Run the bin/setup script. This script will:

  • Check you have the required Ruby version
  • Install dependencies using Bundler and pnpm
  • Create a .env.development file
  • Create, migrate, and seed the database

Run it!

  1. Run bin/rake to run all tests and lint checks.
  2. Start the app with pnpm start to start both the vite and rails servers in command line, or use foreman to load (In Rubymine Gem Command foreman with start -f

Access the app at http://localhost:3000/

Engineering Note:

This app will be changing to an app for temperature blanket patterns for various years once I am done with this demo. Some of the patterns will be a granny square of a month and may use the data in that month to fill out the extra squares needed, so I am saving extra info beyond what is needed for the demo project. I can't decide which pattern I'm using.