Mini E-Commerce System Admin Panel

This project is a small e-commerce system with an administration panel to manage products.
The admin panel is developed using the Vue.js and Nuxt framework.

And can be found here:


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies using npm install
  3. Run API server using npm start
  4. Start the server using npm run dev
  5. Login using the credentials below
username: admin
password: admin


The admin panel allows you to manage the products in a simple way, including creating, reading, updating, and deleting them. The following features are available:


View all products

View a list of all products in the system, with information such as name, price, stock, and image.

Create a product

Create a new product by filling out a form with fields for name, price, stock, and image.

Edit a product

Edit an existing product by selecting it from the list and filling out a form with updated information.

Delete a product

Delete a product by selecting it from the list and confirming the action.