
packer builder creates azure golden image and uses ansible provisioner for configuring server

Primary LanguageJinja

Azure Packer Golden Image


builds a golden image using a RHEL OS base image from azure, downloads vault, azure cli, goss, uploads files, configurations and installs necessary applications in the golden image


  • install packer
  • working knowledge of ansible
  • working knowledge of goss for validating configuration


  • add the values for client-id, client-secret, subscription-id, tenant-id, az_image_name, managed-image-rg-name, in variables.auto.pkrvars.hcl.example file

Usage Example

client-id             = "c5bgyg0-575-....."
client-secret         = "AdCD419~F...."
subscription-id       = "c4774376-......"
tenant-id             = "b9rc7889-....."
az_image_name         = "your-custom-image-name"
managed-image-rg-name = "your-resource-group" # not parker created
  • you can also change the location, img-publisher, img-offer, img-sku, os-type in the variables.auto.pkrvars.hcl.example (optional)

Usage Example

img-publisher         = "Redhat"
img-offer             = "RHEL"
img-sku               = "8.2"
location              = "Canada Central"
os-type               = "Linux"
  • rename the variables.auto.pkrvars.hcl.example to variables.auto.pkrvars.hcl

  • run packer fmt . for formatting code (optional)

  • run packer validate . for ensuring no syntax error (optional)

  • run packer build . for building the image


information about the ansible provisoner, go to ansible readme