SciKGTeX is a LuaTeX package which introduces commands to mark research contributions in scientific documents. SciKGTeX will enrich the document by adding your contributions to PDF metadata in a structured XMP format which can be picked up by Search Engines and Knowledge Graphs.
- borgnetzwerkGermany
- Christof93Switzerland
- desk7
- dfucciSERT
- homocomputeris
- IllDepence
- J-x-DRobert Bosch GmbH | Leibniz University Hannover
- jangoepfert@FZJ-IEK3-VSA
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- joshmoore@openmicroscopy @German-BioImaging
- m6121@ubrostock
- machawk1Media, Pennsylvania
- malteosBerlin, Germany
- okarras
- rue-aSLUB Dresden
- SMG562Melbourne
- userning3535
- whaletail