
Home Assistant Custom Component showing pollen data from dmi.dk

Primary LanguagePython


Home Assistant Custom Component showing pollen data from dmi.dk (Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut) by use of the REST response from: https://www.dmi.dk/dmidk_byvejrWS/rest/texts/forecast/pollen/Danmark/

See more screenshots in the image folder


Manual Installation

  1. Copy dmipollen folder into the custom_components folder of your home assistant configuration directory.
  2. Restart Home Assistant.
  3. Configure the dmipollen sensor in configuration.yaml as explained futher down.
  4. Restart Home Assistant.

Installation via HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) hacs_badge

  1. Ensure that HACS is installed.
  2. Open HACS and add https://github.com/ChristofferG/homeassistant-dmipollen as a Custom repository, and choose Integration.
  3. Click DMI Pollen and click "Install this repository in HACS".
  4. Restart Home Assistant.
  5. Configure the dmipollen sensor in configuration.yaml as explained futher down.
  6. Restart Home Assistant.


dmipollen can for now only be configured via configuration.yaml. Working on a Config flow.

# Example configuration.yaml entry

  - platform: dmipollen
    region: viborg 
    scan_interval: 3600
      - birk
      - bynke
      - el
      - elm
      - græs
      - hassel
      - alternaria
      - cladosporium
      - forecast
      - polleninfo
      - lastupdate


Parameter Optional Description
region No Measurement spot. københavn, viborg or all is available. all will include both København and Viborg.
scan_interval Yes How offent the component will poll dmi.dk. The data on dmi.dk is only updated once a day, typical in the afternoon. The default value of the scan_interval is 3600sec (1hour)


Resources Optional Description
birk Yes Return state of birk
bynke Yes Return state of bynke
el Yes Return state of el
elm Yes Return state of elm
græs Yes Return state of græs
hassel Yes Return state of hassel
alternaria Yes Return state of alternaria (Measurement only available from København)
cladosporium Yes Return state of cladosporium (Measurement only available from København)
forecast Yes Return tomorrows pollen forecast as a danish text string. E.g 'For i morgen, onsdag d. 1. juli 2020, ventes et moderat antal græspollen (mellem 10-50)'
polleninfo Yes Return information string about how the pollen is measured.
lastupdate Yes Return the last update timestamp as a string in the format: 'tirsdag den 30. juni 2020'

States and attributes

Each selected recource will create a sensor the naming syntax:

  • E.g. sensor.pollen_viborg_birk and a coreponding friendly name Pollen Viborg Birk

The unit of the pollen data is ppcm - Part Per Cubic Meter

Each sensor will have the attributes last_update timestamp and attribution with information about where the data comes from.
