
Sphinx autodoc extension for documenting YAML files from comments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This Sphinx autodoc extension documents YAML files from comments. Documentation is returned as reST definitions, e.g.:

This document:

# Enable Nginx web server.
enable_nginx: true

# Enable Varnish caching proxy.
enable_varnish: true

would be turned into text:


   Enable Nginx web server.


   Enable Varnish caching proxy.

See tests/examples/output/index.yml and tests/examples/output/index.txt for more examples.

autoyaml will take into account only comments which first line starts with autoyaml_doc_delimiter.


You can use autoyaml directive, where you want to extract comments from YAML file, e.g.:

Some title

Documenting single YAML file.

.. autoyaml:: some_yml_file.yml


Options available to use in your configuration:

  • autoyaml_root(..) Look for YAML files relatively to this directory.
  • autoyaml_doc_delimiter(###) Character(s) which start a documentation comment.
  • autoyaml_comment(#) Comment start character(s).
  • autoyaml_level(1) Parse comments from nested mappings n-levels deep.


Issue command:

pip install sphinxcontrib-autoyaml

And add extension in your project's conf.py:

extensions = ["sphinxcontrib.autoyaml"]