👋 Hi, I’m Chris!

I like to say that I'm the least technical person in the companies I worked at in the past 9 years.

I've had the chance to work with some of the top tech minds in the web at Symfony, Blackfire.io, Platform.sh and now Bump.sh. I must say, even though I'm learning a lot, I don't believe I'll ever get to their level.

So while I enjoy pushing some code to all sorts of repos, seeing those lights turn green, and my PRs get merged, I'm focusing on the other parts of software:

  • Product Management
  • Product Marketing
  • Sales
  • Customer Experience
  • Anything that will support tech teams in getting their software to markets.

Don't hesitate to reach out to me! I'm always happy to have a good chat on such topics.

And because I'm proud of my contributions, no matter how small they are:

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