- Objective - to create an implementation of a small web service
- Purpose - to demonstrate the construction of a full-stacked web-application, development of both front end (client side) and back end(server side) portions of web application, hosting on cloud services for deployment.
- Chris Allen (@Christopher-Allen-21), www.linkedin.com/in/chrisallen2110/
- Theresa Mashura (@theresa-mashura), www.linkedin.com/in/theresamashura/
- Justin Banks (@Jbanksalpha), www.linkedin.com/in/justinlbanks/
- Mike Ninh (@MNinh), www.linkedin.com/in/mikeninh/
- https://github.com/MNinh/FullStack.MicroWebApplication-Server (This repository)
As a client, (logged in) I
- can upload new videos
- can view list of all videos
- can filter videos by category
- can post simple text-comments on a video
- can get in contact with developers
- can login and view profile
- can like or dislike videos
- view history of watched videos
As a client, (not logged in) I
- can view list of all videos
- Wireframe - Mockflow
- Frontend - Reactjs
- Business Logic - Java built on Maven with Spring Boot framework
- Data Layer - MySQL hosted with AWS RDS
- Cloud - Backend logic hosted by Heroku. Frontend hosted with AWS Amplify. AWS S3 buckets for video storage.
- Use Spring Initializer to create an starting point for you application
- Project Lombok
- AWS s3
- mockito
- npm install for React
- import React-Bootstrap, auth0-react, react-router-don, react-promist-tracker, emailjs-com
- You can run back-end by running the VideoAppApplication.java from: com/GroupProject/VideoApp/VideoAppApplication.java
- You can run reactjs with:
npm start