AIQ Framework

Primary LanguagePython

The Artificial Intelligence Quotient is an open source testing framework used for evaluating the intelligence of an agent. We hope to further the field of AI evaluation by utilizing this framework to have a open metric for intelligence. We will also utilize this framework to determine how the field of AI is developing and whether progress towards a general intelligence is being made.


Clone this repository

PyPi Coming soon!

How to run

  1. Follow Tutorial
  2. Build with Docker


  1. To begin rename sample.yml located in the docker to credentials.yml and put in your username and password.

  2. Import the AIQ interface

import AIQ
  1. Send login information to the interface
interface = AIQ(username, password)

Dummy information can be passed instead to utilize AIQ locally only. Remove any references to connection and submission.

  1. Verify credentials work This is sent via a secure connection.
# returns True if credentials match our system
  1. Add tests to test suite
  • Simple Test
  • Subtest in package
# Example: [package] = OpenAIGym, [subtest] = CartPole-v0
interface.add('[package]', {'env_name':'[subtest]'})
  • Subtest in package with parameters
# Example: [package] = VizDoom, [subtest] = basic
    params = {}
    params['config'] = "path_to_config"
    params['subtest'] = [subtest]
    interface.add('[package]', params=params)
  1. Add an agent! AIQ provides an agent which randomly selects from the possible actions.
from AIQ.agents.random_agent import R_Agent
interface.agent = R_Agent()
  1. Evaluate the agent on the test suite
  1. The results can then be seen and submitted to the AIQ leaderboard.

This will result in an unvalidated but public score. We are currently working on creating a submission process to verify each submission.

# Print results (dictionary) from evaluation

# Submit and print server feedback
  1. All of this can be found within the full_test file inside the examples directory.


We recommend utilizing the docker files located in this repo to run AIQ. Navigate to the docker file, then execute the following:

docker build -t [name] .

this will proceed to download the required applications and python packages.

Once this is completed, run the following code to execute:

docker run [name]

Ignore these errors, they are a result of ViZDoom being run in a docker:

Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock


** 3.6.6 **

To run this without utilizing the docker system, follow the download instructions for the following packages:





Specifics can be found inside the Dockerfile inside the docker directory.


Results can be submitted to our website to be logged and displayed on a public leaderboard! Visit the AIQ Website.


ViZDoom: Michał Kempka, Marek Wydmuch, Grzegorz Runc, Jakub Toczek & Wojciech Jaśkowski, ViZDoom: A Doom-based AI Research Platform for Visual Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, pp. 341-348, Santorini, Greece, 2016 (arXiv:1605.02097)

AI2: http://data.allenai.org/arc/

OpenAIGym: @misc{1606.01540, Author = {Greg Brockman and Vicki Cheung and Ludwig Pettersson and Jonas Schneider and John Schulman and Jie Tang and Wojciech Zaremba}, Title = {OpenAI Gym}, Year = {2016}, Eprint = {arXiv:1606.01540}, }