
DEMO Account

Username: dunder password: password2


Linus is a personal bartender for your home. With Linus you can add your favorite and current spirits in your liquor cabinet to your digital cabinet, and Linus will show you what cocktails you can make with your spirits and how! You will also be able to search for recipes by spirit type and make a shortlist of your favorite ones to try later. Its an perfect app that allows users to come up or look up that favoreite drink they always wanted to try. You sign up and basically put open the cabinet and search for your favorite mixed drinks and enjoy, Peferct for Bartenders

Your Cabinet

Once Logged in you'll be sent your Cabinet, this is where you'll look up your favorite Spirits. From here you can access your entire favorite recipes list, as well as a shortlist below where it shows you which favorites you can make based off of the spirits currently in your cabinet. Share with fr.iends and simple be the Bartender of the party. Sign up and search the cabient list and mixit up to run npm Install and then npm start. n Login View

Cabinet View

Searching for Recipes

Once you add some Spirits to your cabinet it's time to look for some recipes to make! The recipes page can search by name of recipe, or spirit type, displaying all the cocktails in the database that fir the parameters.

Recipes View

After finding a recipe you would like, you can follow the instructions to build it, or save it ti your favorites to make later.

Recipe View

Viewing Favorites

If there is a cocktail that you enjoyed, and want to make it more often, then save it to your favorites! Linus will remind you that you can make it when you have the main Spirit in your cabinet. To take a look at all of your favorites there is a link towards the top of the Cabinet that leads you to the favorites page. Within the favorites page you can search through your favorites wtih the same parameters you used to serach for other recipes, by spirit or name.

Favorites View

Recording your own Recipes

If you're interested in making some cocktails of your own and want a place to keep them, then look no further! Under the My Recipes tab in the Cabinet you can view and add your own custom cocktails. Just type in the name, ingredients, spirit type, and preperation instructions and it will be saved to our database for you to view anytime.

Add Recipe View

Technology Used

  • React
  • Express
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Node
  • PostgreSQL