Gatsby+MDX • Transformers, CMS UI Extensions, and Ecosystem Components for ambitious projects
- 0
Adding new imports requires full restart
#416 opened by AAverin - 0
About using node.excerpt onCreateNode
#418 opened by artmadeit - 0
defaultLayout should not apply to MDX embeds
#390 opened by polarathene - 5
id attributes on headers (for HTML bookmarks) missing
#396 opened by adueck - 0
Some HTML comments cause an Unexpected Token error
#400 opened by valentine - 0
- 0
Error processing latex with curly braces using remark-math, remark-html-katex plugins
#403 opened by epacuit - 1
Local (Remark) Plugin does not resolve
#406 opened by leifniem - 0
- 2
- 4
- 0
- 2
Using the same name for importing different files in different pages results in overwriting
#388 opened by tareefdev - 10
- 13
- 1
GraphiQL error with html field
#419 opened by zslabs - 16
- 5
Permalinks missing?
#417 opened by AAverin - 4
Support excerpt_separator config option
#386 opened by flyinggrizzly - 1
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- 3
- 8
npm / Gatsby search using old Readme stating "gatsby-mdx is the official integration"
#413 opened by karlhorky - 2
- 1
change-case in gatsby-mdx not listed in dependencies
#414 opened by samdenty - 6
MDX/Markdown in frontmatter
#352 opened by mrozilla - 4
Default Layout issue
#412 opened by theonlydaleking - 2
Bug or Feature? Are Tags 0.6.2 -> 1.0.6 releases? Document on NPM that there's a new package name.
#408 opened by nkuehn - 7
Release next mdx-utils version
#402 opened by jlesquembre - 3
Extra backslash sometimes inserted when using $ in text
#405 opened by lourd - 1
- 4
style omited in production env when reload page
#394 opened by meritozh - 1
Remark-images in MDX
#397 opened by eclectic-coding - 5
Zoom images
#385 opened by pszafer - 1
Add empty lines within variables of a Component
#391 opened by kuworking - 2
Error in `custom-remark-plugins` example
#392 opened by iamskok - 5
- 1
- 1
Invalid prop supplied to React.Fragment
#378 opened by itwasmattgregg - 1
Two identical workspace setups, {children} received from the same mdx files is different?
#376 opened by kuworking - 2
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Large assets not available in public folder
#355 opened by spences10 - 5
Error: ./node_modules/gatsby-mdx/mdx-renderer.js
#356 opened by mskian - 4
Adding a custom Babel config to Gatsby project causes a syntax error `default "use strict"`
#359 opened by silvenon - 1
- 1
Gatsby-mdx doesn't seem to recognize styled components depending on the name
#361 opened by kuworking - 2
plugin only works with gatsby-mdx v0.4.3
#350 opened by meritozh