Lecturer in Digital Health and Software Engineering. Digital health technologies and platforms; digital biomarkers; mobile/pervasive; mHealth
@newcastleuniversity-computingNewcastle, UK
ChristopherBull's Following
- abdulsalam0United Kingdom
- danielmizrachi@Curvestone
- davidverweijDWP Digital
- denzilferreira@awareframework
- finneyjLancaster University
- gaparkUnited Kingdom
- GarethBennett90
- ideafastEurope
- IsaacLambat
- jawraineyCambridge, UK
- JohnVidler@lancaster-university and @microbit-foundation
- MatthewThomasRussell
- nderjungGermany
- olafkotur@ember-digital
- pandrewshawLancaster University
- snotaniLondon, United Kingdom
- TaranVH
- tomojacobsManchester
- tr00stLancaster, UK
- wesleyhutchinson@lancaster_university
- zvaltersRiga, Latvia