
End to end natural language processing, machine learning and data engineering pipelines for a social media text based cryptocurrency uncertainty index.

Primary LanguagePython

Cryptocurrency Uncertainty Index


Constructing cryptocurrency indices based on Reddit texts with NLP to measure uncertainty for downstream time series analysis and predictive forecasting. The goal is to evaluate if the unforecastable component / stochastic process can be measured from textual data as a means of capturing crypto market sentiment and other latent stochastic processes to inform price returns or directional price returns forecasting of cryptocurrencies.


The diagram details a simplified and abstracted overview of some of the ETL processes and index construction flows.

Hedge Classifier on Hugging Face Hub

Trained Hedge Detection BERTweet model weights can be found on Hugging Face Hub with a live Hosted Inference API to play around with :)

Index Construction Approaches

  1. Baseline Keyword Based Index (Lucey et al. 2021)
  2. Expanded Keyword Based Index with Latent Dirichlet Allocation recovered Topics
  3. Hedge Based Uncertainty Index with BERTweet & Wiki Weasel 2.0


Some simple steps to setting up the repository for ETL, Modelling, etc.

Dependencies & Venv

brew install make  # OSX
make install  # Runs Brew and Poetry Installs
make build # Builds Elasticsearch, Kibana & Postgres images from compose file
poetry shell # Activate venv

Data & NLP Pipelines Documentation

All Data extraction, NLP modelling & inferences as well as Index construction pipelines can be called via the CLI interface. Please refer to the documentation below for details:

Data Extraction

  1. Reddit data extraction via Pushshift
  • Extracts all subreddit comments and submissions data for a given list of subreddits over a period specified by start_date and end_date. Note that data is extracted in batches by Year-Month to handle PushshiftAPI's (PMAW) connection drops / rate limits.

  • Data is inserted into and analyzed by Elasticsearch under the reddit-crypto index by default and serialised locally in data/raw_data_dump/reddit as .pkl files.

    Usage: cli.py extract-reddit-cry-data [OPTIONS]
      Extracts data from given subreddits for the specified date range.
      --subreddits TEXT               Subreddits to pull data from  [default:
                                      ethereum, ethtrader, EtherMining, Bitcoin,
                                      BitcoinMarkets, btc, CryptoCurrency,
      --start-date [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]
                                      Start date  [default: 2014-01-01 00:00:00]
      --end-date [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]
                                      End date  [default: 2021-12-31 00:00:00]
      --mem-safe / --no-mem-safe      Toggle memory safety. If True, caches
                                      extracted data periodically  [default: mem-
      --safe-exit / --no-safe-exit    Toggle safe exiting. If True, extraction
                                      will pick up where it left off if
                                      interrupted  [default: no-safe-exit]
  1. Yahoo! Finance data extraction
  • Extracts all Yahoo! Finance Market Data for a given list of tickers over a period specified by start_date and end_date.
  • Data is inserted into a specified target-table in a postgres database.
    Usage: cli.py extract-yfin-data [OPTIONS]
      Extracts ticker data from Yahoo Finance
      --tickers TEXT       List of Asset Tickers  [default: BTC-USD, ETH-USD,
                          USDT-USD, XRP-USD, BNB-USD, ADA-USD, DOT-USD, LUNA-USD,
                          GC=F, ^GSPC]
      --start-date TEXT    Start date to begin extraction  [default: 2014-01-01]
      --end-date TEXT      End date to extract up till  [default: 2021-12-31]
      --interval TEXT      Granularity of data  [default: 1wk]
      --target-table TEXT  Postgres table to insert data to  [default:

Text Processing

  1. Text Processing / Analysis of Raw Reddit Data
  • Uses the ES' Reindex API to move and process existing raw data under reddit-crypto to the reddit-crypto-custom index using a Custom Analyzer to handle cryptocurrency and social-media specific terms and patterns. See es/custom_analyzers for details.
    Usage: cli.py es-reindex [OPTIONS]
      ES reindexing from a source index to a destination index
      --source-index TEXT  Source ES Index to pull data from  [default: reddit-
      --dest-index TEXT    Destination ES Index to insert data to  [default:
      --dest-mapping TEXT  Destination index ES mapping

NLP Tool Kit

  1. LDA Topic Modelling
  • Trains a LDA topic model using Gensim's Multicore LDA implementation optimized with variational Bayes.
    Usage: cli.py nlp-toolkit train-multi-lda [OPTIONS]
      Train multiple iterations of LDA for various Num Topics (K)
      --raw-data-dir TEXT             Directory containing csv files with
                                      processed data (sans tokenization)
                                      [default: nlp/topic_models/data/processed_re
      --gram-level TEXT               Unigram or Bigrams  [default: unigram]
      --num-topic-range <INTEGER INTEGER>...
                                      Lower and upper bound of K to try out
                                      [default: 1, 10]
      --num-topic-step INTEGER        Step size to increment K by within topic
                                      range  [default: 1]
      --num-workers INTEGER           Number of workers (CPU cores) to use for
                                      parallelization  [default: 7]
      --chunksize INTEGER             Size of training batches  [default: 10000]
      --passes INTEGER                Number of passes through the training corpus
                                      [default: 1]
      --alpha TEXT                    Alpha val for a priori topic - document
                                      distribution  [default: symmetric]
      --eta FLOAT                     Eta value. See Gensim docs
      --random-state INTEGER          Random seed  [default: 42]
      --save-dir TEXT                 Where to save relevant dict, model data for
                                      each run  [default:
      --trained-dict-save-fp TEXT     Location of saved dictionary for corpus.
                                      Specify to use pre-constructed dict.
      --trained-bigram-save-fp TEXT   Bigram Model Save directory
      --get-perplexity / --no-get-perplexity
                                      Whether to compute log perplexity on each
                                      model on a held out test set.  [default:
      --test-data-dir TEXT            File path to test data dir to compute log
                                      perplexity on.  [default: nlp/topic_models/d
  1. Top2Vec Topic Modelling
  • Trains a Top2Vec topic model using joint word and document embeddings with the Doc2Vec algorithm (Default).
    Usage: cli.py nlp-toolkit train-t2v [OPTIONS]
      Trains Top2Vec on a given corpus
      --data TEXT                     Corpus data  [default: nlp/topic_models/data
      --min-count INTEGER             Minimum number of counts a word should have
                                      to be included  [default: 50]
      --speed TEXT                    Learning speed. One of learn, fast-learn or
                                      deep-learn  [default: learn]
      --num-workers INTEGER           Number of CPU threads to train model
                                      [default: 7]
      --embedding-model TEXT          Embedding model  [default: doc2vec]
      --umap-low-mem / --no-umap-low-mem
                                      Whether to use low mem for UMAP  [default:
      --hdb-min-cluster-size INTEGER  HDBSCAN min cluster size  [default: 100]
      --model-save-dir TEXT           Model save directory  [default:
  1. Finetune BERTweet Hedge Detector with Pop Based Training
  • Finetunes a Hugging Face model (VinAI's BERTweet but can be changed) using SOTA Population Based Training with Ray Tune and logs models trained and hyperparameter sweep with Weights & Biases.
    Usage: cli.py nlp-toolkit pbt-hedge-clf [OPTIONS]
      Finetunes Hugging Face classifier using SOTA population based training
      --model-name TEXT               Base huggingface hub transformer to finetune
                                      on.  [default: vinai/bertweet-base]
      --train-data-dir TEXT           Data directory containing csv train and test
                                      data for finetuning and eval in specified
                                      format.  [default: nlp/hedge_classifier/data
      --model-save-dir TEXT           Model save directory location.  [default:
      --sample-data-size INTEGER      Amount of train and test data to use as a
                                      subsample for testing.
      --num-cpus-per-trial INTEGER    Number of CPUs to use per trial (Tesla A100)
                                      [default: 8]
      --num-gpus-per-trial INTEGER    Number of GPUs to use per trial (Tesla A100)
                                      [default: 1]
      --smoke-test / --no-smoke-test  Whether to run a smoke test.  [default: no-
      --ray-address TEXT              Ray address location. If None uses Local.
      --ray-num-trials INTEGER        Number of times to Randomly Sample a point
                                      in the Params Grid  [default: 8]
  1. Hedge Classifier Demo
  • Launches an App to demo a given Hedge (Text) Classifier with Gradio.
  • SHAPley values for Transformers are provided for error analysis / inspection.
    Usage: cli.py nlp-toolkit hedge-clf-demo [OPTIONS]
      Launches a Gradio app for hedge classification demo.
      --hf-model-name TEXT   Hugging Face Model to Load. Must be valid on Hugging
                            Face Hub.  [default: vinai/bertweet-base]
      --model-save-dir TEXT  Pretrained model save dir / checkpoint to load from.
                            [default: nlp/hedge_classifier/models/best_model]
      --theme TEXT           Gradio theme to use.  [default: dark-peach]

Uncertainty Index Construction

  1. Build Keyword Uncertainty Index
  • Uses Lucey et al. (2021)'s methodology to construct a baseline cryptocurrency index using a simple predefined keyword set.

  • Resulting numeric index values are inserted into the postgres and elasticsearch.

    Usage: cli.py build-ucry-index [OPTIONS]
      Construct crypto uncertainty index based on Lucey\'s methodology.
      --es-source-index TEXT          ES Index to pull text data from  [default:
      --start-date [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]
                                      Start date  [default: 2014-01-01 00:00:00]
      --end-date [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]
                                      End date  [default: 2021-12-31 00:00:00]
      --granularity TEXT              Supports day, week, month, year etc.
                                      [default: week]
      --text-field TEXT               Name of field to mine for index  [default:
      --type TEXT                     Index type. One of price or policy
                                      [default: price]
      --prefix TEXT                   Index name. One of lucey, lda or top2vec
                                      [default: lucey]
  1. Build Hedge Uncertainty Index
  • Uses a trained Hugging Face text classifier to detect hedges in a given corpus and build an index.

  • Resulting numeric index values are inserted into postgres.

    Usage: cli.py build-hedge-index [OPTIONS]
      Construct hedge based crypto uncertainty index using HF transformer.
      --data-source TEXT              Source data to perform hedge classification
                                      on.  [default:
      --start-date [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]
                                      Start date  [default: 2014-01-01 00:00:00]
      --end-date [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]
                                      End date  [default: 2021-12-31 00:00:00]
      --granularity TEXT              Supports day, week, month, year etc.
                                      [default: week]
      --hf-model-name TEXT            Valid Hugging Face Hub model name.
                                      [default: vinai/bertweet-base]
      --hf-model-ckpt TEXT            Path to tuned Hugging Face model config and
                                      weights  [default:
      --name TEXT                     Index name.  [default: bertweet-hedge]


  • Elasticsearch & Kibana - For easy text analysis and lookup of data
  • Postgres - Storing of all other relational data (E.g. cryptocurrency indicies, macroeconomic indicators, etc.)

Make Commands

### Start Up Services ###
make run # After building docker images

### Health Check ###
make ps
make es-cluster-health

### Shutdown ###
make stop  # Stops docker containers