
This applet can be used as nodejs micro service which runs permanently (cronjob) on a zeit.co instance as cloud service. It has the ability to trigger a certain action created with IFTTT to do anything you want.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

IFTTT Trigger Applet - with now Deployment

This applet can be used as nodejs micro service which runs permanently (cronjob) on a zeit.co instance as cloud service. It has the ability to trigger a certain action created with IFTTT to do anything you want.

Getting started

Install now: https://zeit.co

Install dependencies.

npm i

Rename sample.env to .env.

Enter endpoint data to .env file, e.g.: https://ifttt.com/services/gmail/applets/13371337/check. APPIDDEV is for testing purpose, APPIDPROD should contain the app id of your productive application.

Go to your applet on IFTTT and trigger it by the Check Now button. Watch for the request in the network tab of your browsers developer tools. Copy it as curl and enter the header informations into your ifttt.header.json file. The secret parts of your application (token, referer, cookie) are stored in your .env file.

Trigger app for productive:

npm run start

Trigger app for development:

npm run dev

Now deployment

Deploy to zeit.co

now --dotenv environment/.env --public
now scale [ID_GIVEN] 1

curl [ID_GIVEN]

The scale step is required to disable the autoscaling which causes the cloud instance to shut down if its not used for some time.

Check Logs

now logs [ID_GIVEN] 

List now instance

now ls

Job Handling

Restart the Job

curl [ID_GIVEN] -H 'action: RESTART'

Receive Information about the Job

curl [ID_GIVEN] -H 'action: INFO'
now logs [ID_GIVEN]