Trigger Mycroft without the use of a wake-word.
Short demo:
Longer explanation and demo:
This is a working prototype. It offers no configuration, must be run on the same host as mycroft-core, and all STT is handled by Google's API (via the SpeechRecognition library). It does not replace the wake-word functionality - they can both used at the same time.
I feel that this may offer a more natural way to interact with a voice assistant. Wake words are great, but often when I talk to people, I just make eye-contact and begin talking. This emulates that type of interaction (though again, it does not replace the wake-word functionality).
This runs quite nicely on my desktop and laptop, but a Raspberry Pi is not quite powerful enough to handle
it effectively (in my brief test, it took roughly 4 seconds to detect a face on the Pi, where it happens
virtually instantanesouly on a desktop/laptop). Note that there is also some extra work to get this running
on a Pi - it will not work as-is. I may add support at a later date, however, given the performance, it
is not a priority.
Update: This can work on a pi! See below.
git clone
cd mycroft-face-wake && pip install -r requirements.txt && pip install .
Demo Video:
This assumes you are running Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi 3.
sudo apt-get install python-opencv cmake
virtualenv -p python2 --system-site-packages ~/.virtualenvs/mycroft-face-wake
source ~/.virtualenvs/mycroft-face-wake/bin/activate
pip install dlib
git clone
cd mycroft-face-wake && pip install -r requirements.txt && pip install .
Note that this is using the python-opencv package from the repos, which only seems to work with python2. If you're ambitious, you could probabaly compile it yourself, and get it to work with python3.