
Development environment for Appalachia Interactive

Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

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Appalachia Interactive

com.appalachia development environment

Add the appa folder to the PATH, and then run appa. From there, you'll see the possible commands and can begin to understand the tool.

At its core, the menu below is built dynamically, based on scripts populated within the appa/cmd directory. Without much modification of appa (maybe changing the header ;) ), you can set up your own simple scripting environment that gives you easy access to commands/subcommands without having to build executables or maintain a master menu. Arguments are forwarded to commands as you would expect.

$ appa

>  appa init
>  appa pip
>  appa repo-publish
>  appa repo-setup
>  appa testcmd
>  appa login
>  appa login github
>  appa login npm
>  appa servers
>  appa servers verdaccio
$ appa login github

  ✓ Logged in to github.com as ChristopherSchubert (C:\Users\Chris\.config\gh/hosts.yml)
  ✓ Git operations for github.com configured to use https protocol.
  ✓ Token: *******************

For the above to work, there is a login directory added to the cmd directory. This creates a command family. Then any shell scripts placed within that login directory become subcommands.