First Full Stack MERN/ JS Application

Startup Notes:

create main project folder

create server folder

create server.js file

run in terminal:

npm init -y

npm install express

npm install mongoose

Add to Server.js file:

const express = require('express')

const app = express()

const port = 8000

app.listen(port, () => console.log(Listening on port: ${port}))

Create 4 folders:





Navigate to main folder

cd ..

Create React App

npm create-react-app client

Navigate to Controller Folder

Create Controller File ( Ex: person.controller.js )

Add Code/Setup:

`module.exports.index = (request,response) =>{ //Exporting a key:val pair of index:function

response.json({                      // this is where we're setting the API's response to the requesting client

message:"hello world"



Navigate to Routes Folder

Create Route File ( Ex: person.routes.js )

Add Code/Setup:

`const PersonController = require('../controllers/person.controller') // Here we are importing logic from       controller file

module.exports = (app) =>{

app.get('/api', PersonController.index)


Link Routes To Server.js


// These two lines are the long-hand notation of the code above. They better show what's going on.

// const personRoutes = require("./routes/person.routes"); <-- assign the exported function to a const

// personRoutes(app); <-- invoke the function and pass in the express "app" server

Back-End Setup ! Moving To Front-End

Navigate To Client Folder In Terminal

cd client

Import Axios

npm install axios

Create COMPONENTS Folder ( Client -> SRC -> Components )

Create Components For Application

Example Person Component:

`import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

import axios from 'axios';

const PersonForm= () => {

const [ message, setMessage ] = useState("Loading...")


}, []);

return (

        <h2>Message from the backend: {message}</h2>


export default PersonForm;`

Navigate To App.Js and IMPORT the components


    `import React from 'react';

import PersonForm from './components/PersonForm';

function App() {

 return (
<div className="App">



export default App;`


cd server folder

nodemon server.js


OPEN new terminal

cd client

npm run start

Install the ability to make cross-origin requests

stop the nodemon server.js server with CONTROL C


npm install cors

add needed CORS code to SERVER.JS

const cors = require('cors') app.use(cors())

run: nodemon server.js

Update Back-End

we need to configure the database

Navigate to the Config Folder

Create: mongoose.config.js

Add to mongoose.config.js file

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
//This will create a database named "person" if one doesn't already exist (no need for      mongo shell!):
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/person", { 
useNewUrlParser: true, 
useUnifiedTopology: true,
.then(() => console.log("Established a connection to the database"))
.catch(err => console.log("Something went wrong when connecting to the database",           err));

Create Model File

Create Schema / Model


const mongoose = require('mongoose')

const PersonSchema = new mongoose.Schema({

firstName: {type: String},

lastName: {type: String}


{timestamps: true})

module.exports = mongoose.model('Person', PersonSchema)

Now in the controller we can add a new method to handle the creation of Person

server/controller/person.controller.js file


 const Person = require('../models/person.model')

module.exports.createPerson = (request, response) => {

// Mongoose's "create" method is run using our Person model to add a new person to our db's person collection.

// request.body will contain something like {firstName: "Billy", lastName: "Washington"} from the client

Person.create(request.body) //This will use whatever the body of the client's request sends over

    .then(person => response.json(person))
    .catch(err => response.json(err));

Update the routes


Add:'/api/people', PersonController.createPerson)

In order to process POST requests add code to Server.js File



this allows json objects to be posted

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true}))

this allows json objects with strings and arrays


this imports the config file

Now Navigate to POSTMAN

From here we can input data


POST localhost:8000/api/__________

Click : BODY

Change DROPDOWN : x-www-form-urlencoded

Add KEYS and VALUES according to the schema created in the MODEL file.

Confirm BACK-END works !


Navigate to COMPONENTS Folder

Create a form to provide info to the back end


import React, { useState } from 'react'

import axios from 'axios';

const PersonForm = () => {

//keep track of what is being typed via useState hook

const [firstName, setFirstName] = useState(""); 

const [lastName, setLastName] = useState("");

//handler when the form is submitted

const onSubmitHandler = (e) => {

    //prevent default behavior of the submit
    //make a post request to create a new person'http://localhost:8000/api/people', {
        firstName,    // this is shortcut syntax for firstName: firstName,
        lastName      // this is shortcut syntax for lastName: lastName
            console.log(res); // always console log to get used to tracking your data!

return (
    <form onSubmit={onSubmitHandler}>
            <label>First Name</label><br/>
            {/* When the user types in this input, our onChange synthetic event 
                runs this arrow function, setting that event's target's (input) 
                value (what's typed into the input) to our updated state   */}
            <input type="text" onChange = {(e)=>setFirstName(}/>
            <label>Last Name</label><br/>
            <input type="text" onChange = {(e)=>setLastName(}/>
        <input type="submit"/>
export default PersonForm;`