Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data

Extreme value analysis of wind gusts over Germany

  • Weather_Station_Time_Series contains time series of historic and actual (March 2014) weather data
  • Weather_Station_Analysis contains the R scripts for each weather station to analyse return periods of extreme wind gusts. The script windmax.R contains basic analysis of the time series.
  • merges the historic and actual weather time series of all the weather stations which KL ID are passed to the function
  • Stationsliste.csv contains the return periods of 25, 30, and 35 m/s for each station along side other data such as the geolocation of the station
  • Plots contains some plots of the extreme value analysis and the script for generating the maps

###Return Periods of wind gusts 35 m/s

Return Periods of wind gusts 35 m/s with weather station ID

###Return Periods of wind gusts 30 m/s

###Return Periods of wind gusts 25 m/s