
Workflow to process amplicon meta-analysis data, from NCBI accession IDs to taxonomic diversity metrics.

Primary LanguageNextflow


Workflow to process amplicon meta-analysis data, from either local FASTQs or NCBI accession IDs to taxonomic classification.

Pipeline DAG



Note for users with newer Apple processors (M1/M2): Conda environments require emulation using Rosetta, due to the lack of certain packages for the ARM64 architecture otherwise available with Intel processors. Please follow the installation and setup instructions here for details.

Conda environments are available for all processes. To customize in run, modify the environment parameters (params.qiime_conda_env, params.fastqc_conda_env, params.multiqc_conda_env, and params.fondue_conda_env) in the input configuration file.

Launch a Conda environment-based run using -profile conda when running the workflow script.

Singularity and Docker

Containers are available for all processes. To customize in run, modify the container parameters (params.qiime_container, params.fastqc_container, params.multiqc_container, and params.fondue_container) in the input configuration file.

Launch a container-based run with Singularity or Docker using -profile docker or -profile singularity when running the workflow script.


Unless otherwise noted, these parameters should be under the scope params in the run.config file.

Process parameters

Used for initial FASTQ processing.

  • read_type: FASTQ type, either "paired" or "single"

Required if running q2_fondue:

  • inp_id_file: Path to TSV file containing NCBI accession IDs for FASTQs to download. File must adhere to QIIME 2 metadata formatting requirements
    • Note: FASTQ file names starting with non-alphanumeric characters (particularly #) are NOT supported. These will throw an error in your workflow!
  • email_address: email address of user, required for SRA requests via q2-fondue

Required if running from local FASTQ files:

Required if running Cutadapt:

  • For primer removal:
    • If single-end, cutadapt.front: Primer sequence to remove; multiple primers are delimited by a space.
    • If paired-end, cutadapt.front_f/cutadapt.front_r: Primer sequences to remove; multiple primers are delimited by a space.
    • Note that cutadapt.front is recommended for most amplicon sequence runs, and cutadapt.adapter and cutadapt.anywhere are not supported in this workflow. The same goes for their paired counterparts.
    • The workflow does not at the moment support linked primers. Additionally, the workflow currently only takes a collection of single-end or paired-end primers, but not a combination of both.

Bypassing parameter validation:

  • To bypass the automated parameter validation, the user should set params.validate_parameters to false when issuing the execution command.

Using Pre-Generated Input Artifacts:

  • By default, workflow inputs may be entered as TSV or FASTQ files; the workflow is designed to generate input QIIME 2 artifacts using the import/download processes. This behavior is controlled by the generate_input parameter, set to true by default.

  • To use an already-created input QIIME 2 artifact, the user should set params.generate_input to false and specify the path to the input artifact using the params.input_artifact parameter. For example:

--generate_input false --input_artifact "path/to/input_artifact"

Optional user-input parameters

Used for initial FASTQ processing in scope params.fastq_split:

  • enabled: default null, determines whether samples will be processed as a batch or individually; either "True" or "False"
  • method: default "sample", represents method by which to split input FASTQ file manifest; either "sample" or an integer representing the number of split artifacts for processing
  • suffix: default "_split.tsv", suffix for split FASTQ manifest files used as intermediates

Cutadapt process parameters in scope params.cutadapt:

  • num_cores: default 1
  • error_rate: default 0.1
  • indels: default True
  • times: default 1
  • overlap: default 3, used for paired-end reads
  • match_read_wildcards: default "False"
  • match_adapter_wildcards: default "True"
  • minimum_length: default 1,
  • discard_untrimmed: default "True"; we highly recommend keeping this parameter "True" as the Cutadapt process also separates reads by primer sequence!
  • max_error_flag: default null
  • max_n_flag: default null
  • quality_cutoff_5end: default 0
  • quality_cutoff_3end: default 0
  • quality_base: default 33

DADA2 process parameters in scope params.dada2:

  • trunc_q: default 2
  • pooling_method: default "independent"
  • chimera_method: default "consensus"
  • min_fold_parent_over_abundance: default 1.0
  • num_threads: default 0, to use all available cores on system
  • num_reads_learn: default 1000000
  • hashed_feature_ids: default "True"
  • Parameters for single-end runs:
    • trunc_len: default 0
    • trim_left: default 0
    • max_ee: default 2.0
  • Parameters for paired-end runs:
    • trunc_len_f: default 0
    • trunc_len_r: default 0
    • trim_left_f: default 0
    • trim_left_r: default 0
    • max_ee_f: default 2.0
    • max_ee_r: default 2.0
    • min_overlap: default 12

VSEARCH process parameters in scope params.vsearch:

  • perc_identity: default 0.8
  • strand: default "plus"
  • num_threads: default 0, to use a single thread per core

Feature classifier process parameters in scope params.classifier:

  • method: default "sklearn"; also accommodates "blast" and "vsearch"
  • Parameters for sklearn-based classifier:
    • reads_per_batch: default "auto"
    • num_jobs: default -1
    • pre_dispatch: default "2*n_jobs"
    • confidence: default 0.7
    • read_orientation: default "auto"
  • Parameters shared between BLAST+ and VSEARCH consensus classifiers:
    • max_accepts: default 10
    • perc_identity: default 0.8
    • query_cov: default 0.8
    • strand: default "both"
    • min_consensus default 0.51
    • unassignable_label: default "Unassigned"
  • Additional parameters for BLAST+ classifier:
    • evalue: default 0.001
  • Additional parameters for VSEARCH classifier:
    • search_exact: default "False"
    • top_hits_only: default "False"
    • max_hits: default "all"
    • max_rejects: default "all"
    • output_no_hits: default "True"
    • weak_id: default 0.0
    • num_threads: default 1

VSEARCH reference-based chimera identification process parameters in scope params.uchime_ref:

  • dn: default 1.4
  • min_diffs: default 3
  • min_div: default 0.8
  • min_h: default 0.28
  • xn: default 8.0
  • num_threads: default 1

Additional process parameters:

  • taxa_level: default 5, collapsing taxonomic classifications to genus; used in qiime taxa collapse
  • phred_offset: default 33; used in FASTQ import if using local FASTQs
  • vsearch_chimera: default "False"

Reference input parameters

Reference files if available locally; otherwise, defaults will be downloaded from the QIIME 2 data resources page:

For containerization:

  • qiime_release: default "2023.2", used to specify param qiime_container to particular QIIME version
  • qiime_container: default "quay.io/qiime2/core:${params.qiime_release}"; location of QIIME container used for workflow; if running on platforms without Internet, point to a valid .sif file. Note that local files must be prefixed with file://; triple / denotes absolute filepaths.
  • qiime_conda_env: default "${baseDir}/assets/qiime2-2023.2-py38-${sys_abbreviation}.yml"
  • fastqc_release: default "v0.11.9_cv8", used to specify param fastqc_container to particular FastQC image version
  • fastqc_container: default "biocontainers:fastqc"; location of Docker container used for FastQC processes
  • fastqc_conda_env: default "bioconda::fastqc"
  • fondue_release: default "2023.2-ps", used to specify param fondue_container to particular q2-fondue image version
  • fondue_container: default "linathekim/q2-fondue:${fondue_release}"
    • Note: The standard environment for q2-fondue will not work with Nextflow out of the box. The image requires installation of procps (available with apt-get) for interactions with Nextflow. These are denoted with the suffix -ps on DockerHub.
  • fondue_conda_env: default "${baseDir}/assets/q2-fondue-2023.2-${sys-abbreviation}.yml"
  • multiqc_release: default "v1.18"
  • multiqc_container: default "ewels/multiqc:${multiqc_release}"
  • multiqc_conda_env: default "bioconda::multiqc"

Additional configurations

These run configurations fall under non-param scopes listed below.

Reporting with Nextflow Tower (scope tower):

  • enabled: default false, allowing workflow metrics to be reported in the Nextflow Tower interface
  • accessToken: user token for Nextflow Tower reporting; required if running Nextflow Tower, unless TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN has otherwise been defined in the runtime environment

Execution parameters (scope process):

  • executor: default "local", resource manager to run workflow on; options include "slurm", "sge", "awsbatch", and "google-lifesciences"
  • withLabel:container_qiime2.container: default ${params.qiime_container}, but can be replaced with location of local container containing QIIME 2 core distribution

Parameters used when launching workflow from intermediate steps

To skip processes through DADA2, if using pre-denoised feature tables and sequences:

  • denoised_table: Path to QIIME 2 artifact containing a denoised feature table
  • denoised_seqs: Path to QIIME 2 artifact containing denoised sequences corresponding with the above feature table


  • outDir/taxonomy.qza: Artifact containing frequencies for features collapsed to a given level (default genus).
  • outDir/taxonomy.qzv: Visualization containing frequencies for features collapsed to a given level (default genus).
  • outDir/feature_table.qza: Artifact containing table of represented features by sample.
  • outDir/stats/: Directory containing QC metrics, including FastQC, clustering statistics, denoising statistics, etc.
  • outDir/trace/: Directory containing runtime metrics with an execution report and a pipeline DAG.



  1. Data import (qiime tools import) or FASTQ download (q2-fondue)
  2. Optional adapter trimming: q2-cutadapt
  3. Initial quality control and denoising: q2-dada2
  4. Optional chimera filtering: q2-vsearch
  5. Closed reference OTU clustering: q2-vsearch
  6. Taxonomy classification: q2-feature-classifier
  7. Collapse to taxon of interest and merge final outputs


nextflow run /path/to/workflow/main.nf -c run.config -profile conda