
Gamma Mesh Format (GMF) reader plugin for Paraview

Primary LanguageC++

Gamma Mesh Format (GMF) reader plugin for Paraview

Visualize meshes in the meshb format in Paraview. Optionally, one can also load a mathing .sol/.solb file for visualiazion solution attributes.

Tested using Paraview 5.6.0 & 5.8.0 on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04).


Paraview 5.8.0

  1. Clone the official docker image for building paraview plugins
  2. Build paraview 5.8.0 by running ./run_build_paraview.sh v5.8.0
  3. Build the plugin by running ./run_build_build.sh -d <local copy of this repository> v5.8.0
  4. Copy the generated .so files in a directory
  5. Load from the directory above the GMFReaderParaview.so throught the Tools->Manage Plug-ins menu.
  6. The File->Open menu should now show .mesh and .meshb files in the available formats.

Paraview 5.6.0

  1. Checkout the 5.6.0 tag of this repository
  2. The installation can be done using the paraview superbuild system. Using the provided Dockerfile build the superbuild system or download it directly from dockerhub.
  3. Start the image using the provided run.sh script.
  4. Start the container and navigate to /mnt/shared which is mounted under the current directory.
  5. Run mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../src/ && make to build the plugin. This should produce a .so library which you can load from paraview throught the Tools->Manage Plug-ins menu.
  6. The File->Open menu should now show meshb files in the available formats.


A .mesh/.meshb file can hold a wide variaty of attributes. The reader loads :

  • Coordinates of points
  • Element Connectivity information (high order elements are not supported)
  • VerticesOnGeometricTriangles,VerticesOnGeometricEdges,VerticesOnGeometricTriangles info saved into the cad_info array using the following convention: Each point gets a cad_info tuple. The first component is the dimension of the geometrical entity (0-> vertex,1->edge,2->triangle,-1 -> volume point). The second component is the id of the geometric entity. Only ascii ugrid and lb8.ugrid, b8.ugrid files are supported.