
Python package for the study of galaxy evolution, voids, large scale structure, weak lensing, CMB, and modified gravity theories using cosmological Ramses based N-body simulations.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MIT license Code style: black

astrild is a specialized python package for cosmological simulations based on RAMSES. This contains extensions such as ECOSMOG, to study the effects of novel theories that modify GR on large scales and late times. In addition it is possible to explore arrays of simulations in parallel as it is needed for ray-tracing simulations based on Ray-Ramses.

The functionality of the package includes:

  • analysis of matter, fifth-force, and halo power- and bispectra, supported by DTFE and halotools.
  • halo statistics such as halo mass function, correlation functions, mean pairwise velocities, redshift space clustering, and concentration mass relation
  • weak lensing statistics for several types of voids
  • ISW and RS analysis