
Completed example of a rstudio::conf workshop challenge

Primary LanguageR



The goal of packages-report is to explore the packages in my R installation.

I have 845 add-on packages installed.

Here's how they break down in terms of which version of R they were built under, which is related to how recently they were updated on CRAN.

Built n prop
3.4.0 484 0.57
3.4.1 103 0.12
3.4.2 100 0.12
3.4.3 158 0.19

Flow of the analysis

Run R/90_make-clean.R to clean out downstream products.

Run R/95_make-all.R to re-run the analysis and re-render this README.

Input Script Output
R/01_write-installed-packages.R data/installed-packages.csv
data/installed-packages.csv R/02_wrangle-packages.R data/add-on-packages.csv
data/add-on-packages-freqtable.csv R/03_barchart-packages-built.R figs/built-barchart.png