
Get the battery info for laptops

Primary LanguagePython


Get the battery info for laptops on Windows and log the battery info to a .CSV file which contains information about BatteryLifePercent(in %) and RemainingCapacity in mWh units (milliwatt-hours).

How do I use it?

For Python 2.x on Windows

  1. Install Python 2.x on Windows and add Python to your PATH environment variable
  2. Install Python modules with pip: pywin32 and wmi
  3. Run the script:
     Usage: getbatteryinfo_py2.py [-h] --i Number --n Number

     optional arguments:
     -h, --help show this help message and exit
     --i  Number  the time interval(minutes) that you choose
     --n  Number  the log numbers that you choose

For example:

    > python getbatteryinfo_py2.py --i 5 --n 10
  1. The output file BatteryInfo-****.csv is saved in the current directo

For Python 3.x on Windows

  1. Install Python 3.x on Windows and add Python to your PATH environment variable
  2. Install Python modules with pip: pywin32 and wmi
  3. Run the script:
     Usage: getbatteryinfo_py2.py [-h] --i Number --n Number

     optional arguments:
     -h, --help show this help message and exit
     --i  Number  the time interval(minutes) that you choose
     --n  Number  the log numbers that you choose

For example:

    > python getbatteryinfo_py3.py --i 5 --n 10
  1. The output file BatteryInfo-****.csv is saved in the current directory.