
Reads the content of a Junit Cucumber xml file

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Junit Cucumber Test Results

Reads a Junit Cucumber XML file and outputs:

  • tests = The total number of tests that have run
  • failures = The number of failed tests
  • errors = The number of test errors
  • skipped = The number of skipped tests
  • passed = The number of passed tests
  • time = The time taken to run the tests
  • summary = A summary of the test results

Build a distribution

$ npm run build

This will create/update the index.js file inside dist directory that will be used by the action.
Make sure that every time you modify the code inside src directory, you run this command to update the content of dist directory.
@vercel/ncc package is used to build the distribution into a single file, otherwise we would have to include the node_modules directory in the repository.

How to use the action

- name: Junit Cucumber Test Results
  id: junit-cucumber-test-results
  uses: chriton/junit-cucumber-results@v1.4
    path: 'test/cucumber.xml'

After the action has run, you can access the results using the following syntax:
