1. Download the Hi-C data
# Setup the folder to run the analyses
mkdir INC-tutorial
cd INC-tutorial
# Download Hi-C data:
mkdir -p fastq/all
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/000/SRR6657510/SRR6657510_1.fastq.gz
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/000/SRR6657510/SRR6657510_2.fastq.gz
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/001/SRR6657511/SRR6657511_1.fastq.gz
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/001/SRR6657511/SRR6657511_2.fastq.gz
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/002/SRR6657512/SRR6657512_1.fastq.gz
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/002/SRR6657512/SRR6657512_2.fastq.gz
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/003/SRR6657513/SRR6657513_1.fastq.gz
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/003/SRR6657513/SRR6657513_2.fastq.gz
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/004/SRR6657514/SRR6657514_1.fastq.gz
wget -P fastq/all/ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR665/004/SRR6657514/SRR6657514_2.fastq.gz
2. Download LAD data
mkdir lad
wget -P lad/ https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/series/GSE109nnn/GSE109924/suppl/GSE109924_lad_D0-rep1.bed.gz
gunzip lad/GSE109924_lad_D0-rep1.bed.gz
3. Setting up HiC-Pro
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nservant/HiC-Pro/master/config-hicpro.txt
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nservant/HiC-Pro/master/annotation/chrom_hg19.sizes
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nservant/HiC-Pro/master/annotation/HindIII_resfrag_hg19.bed
wget ftp://ftp.ccb.jhu.edu/pub/data/bowtie2_indexes/hg19.zip
unzip hg19.zip -d hg19
4. Downloading and installing the required processing scripts
mkdir processing_scripts
wget https://github.com/Chrom3D/preprocess_scripts/archive/v.1.2.zip
unzip -j -d processing_scripts/ v.1.2.zip preprocess_scripts-v.1.2/NCHG_hic.zip
unzip -j -d processing_scripts/ v.1.2.zip preprocess_scripts-v.1.2/cap_chr_end.py
unzip -j -d processing_scripts/ v.1.2.zip preprocess_scripts-v.1.2/make_diploid_gtrack.py
unzip -j -d processing_scripts/ v.1.2.zip preprocess_scripts-v.1.2/NCHG_fdr_oddratio_calc.py
unzip -j -d processing_scripts/ v.1.2.zip preprocess_scripts-v.1.2/unmappable_blacklist.bed
unzip -j -d processing_scripts/ v.1.2.zip preprocess_scripts-v.1.2/makeGtrack.py
5. Installing NCHG
unzip -d processing_scripts/ processing_scripts/NCHG_hic.zip
make -C processing_scripts/NCHG_hic/
6. Adapting the config-hicpro.txt
- Add the bowtie path to line nr. 39:
->BOWTIE2_IDX_PATH = [fullpath]/INC-tutorial/hg19]/
is the full path to your current working directory - Change line nr. 89:
BIN_SIZE = 20000 40000 150000 500000 1000000
->BIN_SIZE = 50000 1000000
7. Run HiC-Pro (Takes several hours)
HiC-Pro --input fastq --output hicpro_results --conf config-hicpro.txt
8. Setup the folder structure for the HiC contacts
mkdir -p hic/bedpe/intra
mkdir -p hic/bedpe/inter
mkdir -p hic/matrix
9. Convert intrachromosomal Hi-C to BEDPE an matrix format
awk 'NR==FNR { map[$4] = $1"\t"$2"\t"$3; next } { print $0,map[$1],map[$2] }' hicpro_results/hic_results/matrix/all/raw/50000/all_50000_abs.bed hicpro_results/hic_results/matrix/all/raw/50000/all_50000.matrix | awk '$4==$7' | awk '{print $4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$9"\t"$3>"hic/bedpe/intra/"$4}'
# Matrix format:
for chr in hic/bedpe/intra/*
chrname=$(basename $chr)
cut -f 2,5,7 $chr > hic/matrix/$chrname
10. Convert interchromosomal Hi-C to BEDPE
awk 'NR==FNR { map[$4] = $1"\t"$2"\t"$3; next } { print $0,map[$1],map[$2] }' hicpro_results/hic_results/matrix/all/raw/1000000/all_1000000_abs.bed hicpro_results/hic_results/matrix/all/raw/1000000/all_1000000.matrix | awk '$4<$7' | awk '{print $4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$9"\t"$3>"hic/bedpe/inter/"$4"_"$7}'
11. Running Armatus to call TADs
mkdir hic/tads
for chr in hic/matrix/*
chrname=$(basename $chr)
armatus-linux-x64 -r 50000 -c $chrname -S -i $chr -g .6 -o hic/tads/$chrname
12. Since Armatus output is end-inclusive, convert to BED by adding 1 to end position
ombine TADs per chromosome into a single BED file of TADs:
cat hic/tads/*.txt | awk '{printf("%s\t%i\t%i\n",$1,$2,$3+1)}' | bedtools sort -g chrom_hg19.sizes | bedtools slop -i stdin -g chrom_hg19.sizes -l 0 -r 1 > hic/D0_TADs.bed
13. Convert called TADs into a segmented genome to define Chrom3D beads
bedtools complement -i hic/D0_TADs.bed -g chrom_hg19.sizes | cat - hic/D0_TADs.bed | bedtools sort -g chrom_hg19.sizes | awk '$1!="chrY"' | awk '$1!="chrM"' > D0_beads.bed
14. Map intra-chromosomal interactions from Hi-C to the beads defined in the previous step and aggregate the contacts between these beads
cat hic/bedpe/intra/chr* | awk '{printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n",$1,$2,$2+1)}' | bedtools intersect -wao -a stdin -b D0_beads.bed | cut -f 4,5,6 > left.tmp
cat hic/bedpe/intra/chr* | awk '{printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",$4,$5,$5+1,$7)}' | bedtools intersect -wao -a stdin -b D0_beads.bed | awk '{printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",$5,$6,$7,$4)}' > right.tmp
paste left.tmp right.tmp | awk '{a[$1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6] += $7} END{for (i in a) print i"\t"a[i]}' | awk '$2!=$5' | sort -k 2n,2n > D0_bead_interactions.intra.bedpe
rm left.tmp right.tmp
15. Remove interactions between beads overlapping centromeres
curl -s "http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/cytoBand.txt.gz" | gunzip -c | grep acen | bedtools pairtobed -a D0_bead_interactions.intra.bedpe -b stdin -type neither > D0_bead_interactions.intra.nocen.bedpe
16. Identifying statistically significant inter-bead interactions within chromosomes, using the Non-central Hypergeometric distribution (NCHG)
processing_scripts/NCHG_hic/NCHG -m 50000 -p D0_bead_interactions.intra.nocen.bedpe > D0_bead_interactions.intra.nocen.NCHG.out
# Correcting for multiple-testing using FDR:
python processing_scripts/NCHG_fdr_oddratio_calc.py D0_bead_interactions.intra.nocen.NCHG.out fdr_bh 2 0.01 > D0_bead_interactions.intra.nocen.NCHG.sig
17. Identifying statistically significant inter-bead interactions between chromosomes
# Create a BEDPE file containing interchromosomal interactions where 'blacklisted' regions are removed:
cat hic/bedpe/inter/chr* | bedtools pairtobed -type neither -a stdin -b processing_scripts/unmappable_blacklist.bed | python processing_scripts/cap_chr_end.py chrom_hg19.sizes > D0_bead_interactions.inter.noblist.bedpe
# Run NCHG, like above, but on the interchromosomal interactions:
processing_scripts/NCHG_hic/NCHG -i -p D0_bead_interactions.inter.noblist.bedpe > D0_bead_interactions.inter.noblist.NCHG.out
python processing_scripts/NCHG_fdr_oddratio_calc.py D0_bead_interactions.inter.noblist.NCHG.out fdr_bh 2 0.01 > D0_bead_interactions.inter.noblist.NCHG.sig
**18. Mapping all (intra- and interchromosomal interactions) to the TADs/beads
awk '{printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n",$1,($2+$3)/2,1+($2+$3)/2)}' D0_bead_interactions.inter.noblist.NCHG.sig | bedtools intersect -wao -a stdin -b D0_beads.bed | cut -f 4,5,6 > left.tmp
awk '{printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",$4,($5+$6)/2,1+($5+$6)/2,$7)}' D0_bead_interactions.inter.noblist.NCHG.sig | bedtools intersect -wao -a stdin -b D0_beads.bed | awk '{printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",$5,$6,$7,$4)}' > right.tmp
paste left.tmp right.tmp | sort -u -k 2n,2n > D0_bead_interactions.inter.noblist.NCHG.tadwise.sig
rm left.tmp right.tmp
cat D0_bead_interactions.intra.nocen.NCHG.sig D0_bead_interactions.inter.noblist.NCHG.tadwise.sig | awk '$2!=-1 && $5!=-1' > D0_bead_interactions.all.sig
19. Generate the Chrom3D input file in GTrack format, specifying the 3D model setup
python processing_scripts/makeGtrack.py D0_bead_interactions.all.sig D0_beads.bed > D0_bead_interactions.gtrack
20. Add LAD information to the GTrack file*
# Create header
echo -e "##gtrack version: 1.0\n##track type: linked segments\n###seqid\tstart\tend\tid\tradius\tperiphery\tedges" > D0_bead_interactions.lads.gtrack
# Add LAD info:
bedtools intersect -c -a D0_bead_interactions.gtrack -b lad/GSE109924_lad_D0-rep1.bed | awk '{if($7>=1) print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t1\t" $6; else print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t.\t" $6}' >> D0_bead_interactions.lads.gtrack
21. Make the GTrack file define a diploid genome structure (optional)
python processing_scripts/make_diploid_gtrack.py D0_bead_interactions.lads.gtrack > D0_bead_interactions.lads.diploid.gtrack
22. Run Chrom3D based on the GTrack file (takes up to 20 hrs)
Chrom3D -l 10000 -y 0.15 -r 5.0 -n 3000000 D0_bead_interactions.lads.diploid.gtrack > model_full.cmm 2> model_full.err
23. Visualizing model_full.cmm
in ChimeraX
- If you are running this step-by-step guide on a server, download the
file to your local computer - The resulting
from step 19) can be opened in ChimeraX and displays of these turned on and off in the bottom right "Models" panel. To generate tomographic views of models, the command "clip" can be used in the "Command:" field in the bottom panel of ChimeraX. Background color and other graphical adjustments can be performed by clicking the "Graphics" button in the top panel. - In ChimeraX, the command "shape sphere center 0,0,0 radius 5.0 color #ffc9b5 slab 0.5" can be used in the "Command" field in the bottom panel to display a nucleus structure on top of the model view. To change opacity of the nucleus model, click the colored square called "sphere" in the "Models" panel in the bottom right of the view, and select e.g. 30%.
- Again, "clip" can be used to clip this to generate tomographic views. The model can also be tilted to allow a better perception of depth in the structures. Figure 4 shows some of the resulting illustrations that can be generated using ChimeraX.
24. Coloring beads defined by LADs using red color
unzip -j -d processing_scripts/ v.1.2.zip preprocess_scripts-v.1.2/color_beads.py
awk '$6==1' D0_bead_interactions.lads.gtrack | cut -f 4 > lads.ids
python3 processing_scripts/color_beads.py model_full.cmm lads.ids 255,0,0 OVERRIDE > model_full_redlad.cmm
- Do the steps from step 23., but open and visualize the
file instead