
An implementation of the Fast DTW algorithm used in Chronix.

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Chronix FastDTW - Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) with a linear time and memory complexity

An implementation of the Fast DTW algorithm used in Chronix. This implementation is 40 times faster than the provided implementation at Google Code.

Performance comparison

This implementation includes some performance optimizations. The following results show the benefits.


2 months of CPU load with 442.005 data points.



Times are seconds.

Search Radius Original Chronix
1 35.448 0.694
5 37.629 0.719
10 43.572 0.843
15 41.557 1.028
20 40.303 1.139
25 39.797 1.338
30 40.597 1.567


This work is initially started by:


  • Florian Lautenschlager, @flolaut