Hot or Not Project Proposal Team Members: Squirrelmaggedon: Jeff Bond, Chris Gauthier, Laurie Anderson & Mike Galarneau
Project Description /Final Sketch: Hot or Not Game based on Marvel Universe of Characters – Players choose a character from the universe of Marvel Characters. Every character you look up will have a brief description of things about them, image, gifs, etc. Voting will be done with multiple players (class). Voting will be single elimination and go to the last character standing! Final winning character will be displayed at an ending screen, more information about this character, what class members picked the winning character & also a leaderboard with winners logged?
APIs to be used: Marvel API, OMDB API, Stretch goal – DC API (if something exists that is suitable)
Alt APIs: Star Trek vs Star Wars (instead of Marvel vs DC)
Rough Breakdown of Tasks: 1.) Character selection screen – search character by name / movie / comic / or Random button to generate a random marvel character 2.) Voting selection screen – match up two random character – it is voted and the one with most votes is retained in a new array, loser is eliminated. This continues until there is only one character 3.) Winner screen – more information about winning character, who selected this character, and a leaderboard possibly.