LIRI Project (Bob)

In this ReadMe I am going to discuss the LIRI Project I built

LIRI is a CLI (Command Line Interace) project that enables users to input commands on the node command line, and receive data back specific to their query.

There are 4 primary command types that LIRI accepts

- concert-this

  • concert-this searchs the Bands In Town API to retrieve data about upcoming concerts on bands or artists

  • The proper syntax is:

    • concert-this < artist/band name here>

- spotify-this-song

  • spotify-this-song searchs the Spotify API to retrieve data about songs with the song title that is searched

  • The proper syntax is:

    • spotify-this-song < songname here >

- movie-this

  • movie-this searchs the OMDB API to retrieve data about movie title that is searched

  • The proper syntax is:

    • movie-this < moviename here >_

- do-what-it-says

  • do-what-it-says will use the random.txt file and parse it to run the command for whatever is in the .txt file. This does require proper formatting in the random.txt file (ie: spotify-this-song,"I Want it That Way")

  • The proper syntax is:

    • do-what-it-says

NPM Package Dependencies for this project:



