
Esta demo describe como mostrar el ciclo de vida de una API en fuse online y como esta es sincronizada en un ecosistema de Openshift Service Mesh y Securitizada bajo 3Scale

Red Hat Integration + Openshift Service Mesh

This demo describes how to show the life cycle of an API in online fuse and how it is synchronized in an ecosystem of Openshift Service Mesh and Securitized under 3Scale.


enter image description here





When the lab enviroment its ready, please go to the Solution Explorer and then click in Red Hat Fuse Online (version 7.6), Open console

RHMI Solution Explorer

Fuse Online

When you enter to Fuse Online FuseOnlineConsole

Login Openshift Cluster

login with the "evalsx" user using copy login command OPenshift Console

oc login --token=<token web> --server=https://api.cluster-xxx-xxxxx.xxxxx.example.opentlc.com:6443

Database Users

Prepare the environment in Openshift Cluster

oc new-project evals3-fuse-db
oc new-app --template=postgresql-persistent --param=POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=redhat --param=POSTGRESQL_USER=redhat --param=POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=sampledb

When the database pod its ready, we will Create and populate database

oc get pods
oc rsh <pod postgress>
psql -U redhat -d sampledb	
 id serial PRIMARY KEY,
 name VARCHAR (50),
 phone VARCHAR (50),
 age integer
INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Rodrigo Ramalho', '(11) 95474-8099', 30);
INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Rafael Ramalho', '(61) 99988-8029', 32);
INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Thiago Araki', '(11) 9999-9999', 33);
INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Gustavo Luszynsk', '(11) 9999-9999', 33);
INSERT INTO users(name, phone, age) VALUES  ('Rafael Tuelho', '(11) 9999-9999', 33);

verify the inserts;

sampledb=> select * from users;

Validate select

Configure a database connector in Fuse Online

url: jdbc:postgresql://postgresql.evals3-fuse-db:5432/sampledb
user: redhat
password: redhat

fuseonline connect jdbc Results

enter image description here


Enter to Fuse Online Create Integration

enter image description here Click in API provider.

API Integration select Add a data type , and put a API name, is this case "users" and enter a json example.

Enter JSON Example

    "id": 0,
    "name": "Rodrigo Ramalho",
    "phone": "11 95474-8099",
    "age": 30

in the section "Choose to create a REST Resource with the Data Type" select "Rest Resource", After then click Save

datatype here the Import output looks like this

enter image description here Click save and the you can see in the # Review Actions, the following

  1. Found operations with non unique operationIds: getusers

  2. Operation POST /users does not provide a response schema for code 201

  3. Operation PUT /users/{usersId} does not provide a response schema for code 202

  4. Operation DELETE /users/{usersId} does not provide a response schema for code 20

Click in Next button


Go to Integration panel

integration endpoint

Get User Operation

Click "create flow" in the Get operation

Integration without components


Add log component

putlog and select "Message Context" and "Message Body"



select * from users;


Do the mapping between Source and Tarjet


Tree Integration

tree Intregation Click in save, then we will to continous with other operation

Post User Insert Operation

Insert Post Operation


Insert log to POST operation


post query insert Queries



Mapping post

Tree Integration

Tree Integration post

Publish API on Openshift

Click in save and then press in Publish

publish api Publish and build in OCP.

publish and build

Service Mesh

Install Stack Openshift Service Mesh

To install the stack of service mesh please refer to: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.3/service_mesh/service_mesh_install/installing-ossm.html


for this demostration we do a "cluster-admin" privilege for the user that we are working.


  1. Install Elastic Search Operator
  2. Installing the Jaeger Operator
  3. Installing the Kiali Operator
  4. Installing the Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh Operator

OCP operator here

Install Control Plane

  • Create Namespace.

    oc new-project istio-system

  • Create a ServiceMeshControlPlane file named /rhosmapi/osm/service-mesh.yaml using the example found in "Customize the Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh installation". You can customize the values as needed to match your use case. servicemesh control plane

  • or Run the following command to deploy the control plane:

    oc create -n istio-system -f service-mesh.yaml

  • Execute the following command to see the status of the control plane installation.

    oc get smcp -n istio-system

    The installation has finished successfully when the READY column is true.

    NAME READY Basic-install True

  • Run the following command to watch the progress of the Pods during the installation process:

    oc get pods -n istio-system -w

    You should see output similar to the following: osm-control plane pods

Install Data plane [ServiceMeshMemberRoll]

Go to the Openshift Service mesh operator, and click in Istio Service Mesh Member Roll section, and create a default ServiceMeshMemberRoll.

MemberRoll here Verify the NetworkPolicy in the namespaces of fuseonline.


Install NetworkPolicy in FuseOnlineNamespace

Now, It is necessary aggregate the following rules:

  • allow-from-all-namespaces.
  • allow-from-ingress-namespace.

Networkpolicy this step its only for demostrations because syndesys webconsole lost for the users.

Install Sidecar in the API service.

verify the namespace in where api user deploy: Namespace Select deployment config of "i-user" in evals3-fuse namespace and agregate sidecard annotation

       sidecar.istio.io/inject: 'true'

inject sidecar Repet the same in the Database Postgress inject in deployment f postgressdb

Kiali Observe

Allow read deployment config in Kiali

Select Istio-system (control plane) namespace and then go to Config maps, click in Kiali Config map and the select yaml.

Remove deployment config option:

        DeploymentConfigs ##delete this line.

Kialia excluser

Create Virtual Service and Gateway

for this section its important to read first:


explain istio object

then we create a Gateway and Virtual service. that its in /osm folder.

oc apply -n evals3-fuse -f gateway-user.yaml

result apply config gateway and virtual services

Nota: in this demo does not create a destinationRule


  • First get the url of istio gateway

export ISTIOGWUSER=$(oc -n istio-system get route istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')

  • Curl for API in a loop for i in {1..1000} ; do curl -s -w "%{http_code}\n" http://$ISTIOGWUSER/users ;sleep 2 ; done

Curl result

  • Then go to Kiali

    oc get routes kiali -n istio-system

  • open Kiali and graph option



3scale API Management

Configure 3scale Admin Account

  • Enter admin tennat Account and select

Account settings here

  • Configure A Neew Access Token

Account New Access token Copy the new token and store it somewhere safe

Make sure to copy your new personal access token now. You won't be able to see it again as it isn't stored for security reasons.

token: 363a23xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxbe

Configure API Backend

  • Create API backend

OverView Api Backend -Mapping rules

Mapping rules

  • Methods and metrics


  • Review the API backend

Api backend config final

Configure Product

  • Create product and Configure

product configuration -Configure Methods and Metrics

product-methods -Create Mapping rules

product Mapping rules

  • Product Setting

Product setting

3scale Mixer Adapter

By default, Red Hat Service Mesh disables evaluation of all policies.

In order for API Management policies to be applied to service mesh traffic, this default behavior needs to be reversed. The setting for this behavior is in the istio configmap in the istio namespace. This configmap is read by the Envoy proxy upon start-up of an istio enabled pod.

3scale mixer adapter concept

Your lab environment already comes provisioned with service mesh policies (to include API Management policies that will be introduced in this lab) enabled.

You can view state of this setting that disables service mesh policies as follows:

$ oc describe cm istio -n istio-system | grep disablePolicyChecks

disablePolicyChecks: false

Desplegar 3scale-istio-adapter

git clone https://github.com/3scale/3scale-istio-adapter

oc create -f deploy -n istio-system
  1. Review 3scale Istio Adapter components in istio-system namespace:

    $ oc get all -l app=3scale-istio-adapter -n istio-system
    1. The response should list the deployment, replicaset and pod.

    2. As per the diagram above, the 3scale-istio-adapter Linux container includes the following two components:

      1. 3scale-istio-adapter

        Accepts gRPC invocations from Istio ingress and routes to the other side car in the pod: 3scale-istio-httpclient

      2. 3scale-istio-httpclient

        Accepts invocations from 3scale-istio-adapter and invokes the system-provider and backend-listener endpoints of the remote Red Hat 3scale API Management manager.

    3. Its possible that the pod corresponding to the 3scale-istio-adapter is in an ImagePullBackOff error state.

      If so, edit the 3scale-istio-adapter Deployment such that the URL to the image explicitly includes quay.io as follows:

      image: quay.io/repository/3scale/3scale-istio-adapter:0.5.1
  2. View listing of configs that support the 3scale Mixer Adapter:

    Embedded in the following YAML files is the 3scale handler that is injected into the Istio Mixer. This handler is written in Golang by the 3scale engineering team as per the Mixer Out of Process Adapter Dev Guide. Much of these files consists of the adapter’s configuration proto.

    1. Adapters:

      $ oc get adapters.config.istio.io -n istio-system
      threescale   7d
    2. Template:

      $ oc get templates.config.istio.io -n istio-system
      threescale-authorization   7d

[2] Crear configuraciones 3scale Adapter

Now that 3scale Istio Adapter has been verified to exist, various configurations need to be added to the service mesh.

In particular, you will specify the URL of the system-provider endpoint of your 3scale tenant along with the corresponding access token. This is needed so that the Istio Mixer can pull API proxy details from the 3scale API Manager (similar to what the 3scale API Gateway does).

  1. In the details of your user service in the Red Hat 3scale API Manager administration console, locate the ID for API calls … :

user service ID

  • Review the threescale-adapter-config.yaml file :

    $ less 3scale-istio-adapter/istio/threescale-adapter-config.yaml | more
  • Modify the threescale-adapter-config.yaml file with the ID of your user service:

    $ sed -i "s/service_id: .*/service_id: \"$USER_SERVICE_ID\"/" \
  • Modify the threescale-adapter-config.yaml file with the URL to your Red Hat 3scale API Management manager tenant:

    $ sed -i "s/system_url: .*/system_url: \"https:\/\/$TENANT_NAME-admin.$API_WILDCARD_DOMAIN\"/" \
  • Modify the threescale-adapter-config.yaml file with the administrative access token of your Red Hat 3scale API Management manager administration account:

    $ sed -i "s/access_token: .*/access_token: \"$API_ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN\"/" \
  • The rule in threescale-adapter-config.yaml defines the conditions that API Management policies should be applied to a request.

    The existing default rule is as follows:

    match: destination.labels["service-mesh.3scale.net"] == "true"

    This rule specifies that API Management policies should be applied to the request when the target Deployment includes a label of: service-mesh.3scale.net. In this version of the demo, this rule does not apply API Management policies as expected. Further research into the issue is needed.

    1. As a work-around for the current problem, modify the threescale-adapter-config.yaml file with a modified rule that specifies that API Management policies should be applied when the target is the user-service:

      $ sed -i "s/match: .*/match: destination.service.name == \"user-service\"/" \
    2. More information about Istio’s Policy Attribute Vocabulary (used in the creation of rules) can be found here.

  • Load the Red Hat 3scale API Management Istio Handler configurations:

    $ oc create -f 3scale-istio-adapter/istio/threescale-adapter-config.yaml
    handler.config.istio.io/threescale created
    instance.config.istio.io "threescale-authorization" created
    rule.config.istio.io "threescale" created
    1. If for whatever reason you want to delete these 3scale Istio mixer adapter configurations, execute the following:

      oc delete rule.config.istio.io threescale -n istio-system
      oc delete instance.config.istio.io threescale-authorization -n istio-system
      oc delete handler.config.istio.io threescale -n istio-system
  • Verify that the Istio Handler configurations were created in the istio-system namespace:

    $ oc get handler threescale -n istio-system -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion: config.istio.io/v1alpha2
      kind: handler
        adapter: threescale
          address: threescaleistioadapter:3333
          access_token: fa16cd9ebd66jd07c7bd5511be4b78ecf6d58c30daa940ff711515ca7de1194a
          service_id: "103"
          system_url: evals3-tenant-admin.apps.cluster-chile-6b30.chile-6b30.example.opentlc.com
  • result:

Labels 3scale istio adapter

Smoke Test 3scale Istio Mixer Adapter

  1. From the terminal, execute the following to invoke your user service directly via the Istio ingress:

    $ curl -v \
           `echo "http://"$(oc get route istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o template --template {{.spec.host}})"/products"`
    < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    * Connection #0 to host istio-ingressgateway-istio-system.apps.clientvm.b902.rhte.opentlc.com left intact
    PERMISSION_DENIED:threescalehandler.handler.istio-system:no auth credentials provided or provided in invalid location
    1. Notice a 403 error response of PERMISSION_DENIED:threescalehandler.handler.istio-system:. This is to be expected.

      Inbound requests through the Istio ingress are now correctly flowing through the mixer to the 3scale adapter.

      In the above request however, the API user_key associated with your user service application has been omitted. .. View the log file of the 3scale adapter:

      $ oc logs -f `oc get pod -n istio-system | grep "3scale-istio-adapter" | awk '{print $1}'` \
                -n istio-system \
                -c 3scale-istio-adapter
      "Got instance &InstanceMsg{Subject:&SubjectMsg{User:,Groups:,Properties:map[string]*istio_policy_v1beta11.Value{app_id: &Value{Value:&Value_StringValue{StringValue:,},},app_key: &Value{Value:&Value_StringValue{StringValue:,},},},},Action:&ActionMsg{Namespace:,Service:,Method:GET,Path:/products,Properties:map[string]*istio_policy_v1beta11.Value{},},Name:threescale-authorization.instance.istio-system,}"
      "proxy config for service id 4 is being fetching from 3scale"
  2. Try again to invoke your user service using the user service user_key:

    $ curl -v \
           `echo "http://"$(oc get route istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -o template --template {{.spec.host}})"/products?user_key=$USER_API_KEY"`

Congratulations! The user service is again being managed and secured by the Red Hat 3scale API Management manager. This time however, the 3scale Istio Mixer adapter is being utilized rather than the API gateway.

Repository reference

https://github.com/RedHatWorkshops/dayinthelife-integration https://gist.github.com/hodrigohamalho https://github.com/hodrigohamalho