
Multi-robot patrol

Primary LanguageC++


Multi-robot patrol simulation

This package is modified from patrolling_sim
The main differences are as follows:
LCM, a library independent of ROS, is used to exchange messages between robots in both simulations and real robot experiments
A GUI monitoring program is implemented to visualize the position of robots and control the start as well as stop of the simulation
The expected reactive (ER) algorithm for multi-robot patrol is added in this package

Ubuntu 12.04
Boost 1.46 (Debian’s default Boost version, installed with Ubuntu 12.04 already)
ROS Hydro and package: stage_ros
LCM v1.0.0 (Lightweight Communications and Marshalling)
Python 2.7 and package: PIL(Python Imaging Library) or pillow(The friendly PIL fork)

To run the simulation
1 use 'catkin_make' to build the package;
2 run 'roslaunch my_patrol_sim navigation_multi_robot.launch' in a terminal;
3 run 'roslaunch my_patrol_sim patrol_multi_robot.launch' in a new terminal;
4 start the Python script 'my_monitor.py' (in 'scripts/my_monitor' folder) to control the simulation.

To configure parameters, use the script 'initialize_sim.py'.

The results are stored in 'scripts/my_monitor/results' folder.

Detailed information can be found in the file "documentation.docx".