
Database design



  • UID
    • User Identity
    • From Firebase Authentiation module
    • Unique for every user
  • map
    • What firestore call an a javascript object


Field name Type Description Constraint Example
created_by string UID Required and valid AiKUMgHhMohdDyC9zHJfkMNH3u72
date_created timestamp the time created at the server side Required and should be generated using server_time_stamp() helper function 19 September 2019 at 11:58:41 UTC+10
name string the title Required I borke the vase
details string additional information I am sorry
reference reference refer to the artifact that the comment is about Required /Artifacts/vase_id


  • Update 29/09/2019
    • details became description


All media links would be in this form


Field name Type Description Constraint Example
created_by string UID Required and valid AiKUMgHhMohdDyC9zHJfkMNH3u72
date_created timestamp the time created at the server side Required and should be generated using server_time_stamp() helper function 19 September 2019 at 11:58:41 UTC+10
name string the title Required family crest drawing
date timestamp the time the artifact was created Optional 10 August 1972 at 00:00:00 UTC
description string additional information Optional a very old drawing of family crest by grandpa
events_links array refer to the artifact that the comment is about Required /Artifacts/vase_id
events_links[i] map an object that contains the following 3 fields If you link an event then you must have events_links[i].name and events_link[i].reference {
name: "Making the family crest"
reference: /Events/making_crest_id
relation: "created during"
events_links[i].name string name of the event Required if linked to an event Making the famly crest
events_links[i].reference reference reference to the event document Required if linked to an event /Events/making_crest_id
events_links[i].relation string a description of what the relation is Optional created during
people_links array refer to the artifact that the comment is about Required {
name: "John Gilbertt"
reference: /People/john_gilbert_id
relation: "made by"
people_links[i].name string name of the person Required if linked to a person John Gilbert
people_links[i].reference reference reference to the people document Required if linked to a person /People/john_gilbert_id
people_links[i].relation string a description of what the relation is Optional made by







Helper functions

// convert date from string to firebase object
function convert_date(text) {
   if (empty(text)) return null;
   return new firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date(text));

// generate server time stamp
function server_time_stamp() {
   return new firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();

// convert firebase document path to firebase document reference
// example
// input: /Artifacts/vase_id
// output: {...} a firestore object
function convert_reference(text) {
   if (empty(text)) return null;
   return db.doc(text);

Firebase API

Currently using Heirloom22 project-id: heirloom22-2b4a8

var firebaseConfig = {
   apiKey: "AIzaSyC1HQX45nzJr6SDRMsPkA_zAgAYM9iGjTg",
   authDomain: "heirloom22-2b4a8.firebaseapp.com",
   databaseURL: "https://heirloom22-2b4a8.firebaseio.com",
   projectId: "heirloom22-2b4a8",
   storageBucket: "heirloom22-2b4a8.appspot.com",
   messagingSenderId: "323147351760",
   appId: "1:323147351760:web:bf785136b38cb3a4d380d5"

Reset or Upload test data to firebase

  1. Open index.html in browser
  2. Delete the database (optional)
  3. Upload the database (will overwrite exisiting data)

screen shot

Test data

  • Test data is stored as javascript objects
  • path to test data ./TestData/data.js

Data types

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • map (javascript obejct)
  • array
  • null
  • timestamp
  • geopoint
  • reference

Sprint 2 clarification (Database)


  • Week 8


  1. Store all required information
  2. Support all required queries
  3. Model data to support desired relations
  4. Interactive query testing web page

Not supporting

  1. No Multimedia
    • Will be done in the next sprint
  2. Can't determine which documents user can access
    • Oliver is responsible for user access and authentication.
  3. Geospatial data
    • Currently there isn't a UI solution for input or output geospatial data

Database conventions

Document ID

  • Also known as file name
  • Lowercase
  • Syntax <descriptive_name>_id
  • Where <descriptive_name> is manually selected by me to make it easy to debug
  • User generated data will have autogenerated id like 42OqXx2K1bX7V4CfHkGt


  • Lowercase
  • Words separated by underscore like artifacts_link

Database and subcollections

  • Also known as a folder
  • Capitalize
  • Plurals
  • List of collections
    • Artifacts
    • People
    • Addendums
    • Events
    • Users

Important fields

  • All documents except User_authentication_files must have
    • date_created : the date and time the document was created
    • created_by : the name user who created the data

Week 6-7 plan

  1. Create sample data and automate upload (For resetting)
  2. Get a list of necessary queries from requirements
    1. Create queries
  3. Interactive webpage to display queries

Firebase Overview

by Chuanyuan Liu


List of requirements

  • Users can create and store new artifacts in the database, adding relevant information, such as a textual story behind the artefact and a photo of it.
  • Users can add “addendums” to artifacts for the purpose of adding to its story as time goes by.
  • The application will allow users to browse the artifacts in the database, and learn more about individual artifacts they are interested in.
  • All data are editable (Except security related)
  • Minimal data constraints
  • Fuzzy text search everything


Load firebase library

<!-- Load the main app (Mandatory) -->
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/6.5.0/firebase-app.js"></script>
<!-- Load the firestore library only -->
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/6.5.0/firebase-firestore.js"></script>

Link to firebase

// Your web app's Firebase configuration
var firebaseConfig = {
   apiKey: "AIzaSyC1HQX45nzJr6SDRMsPkA_zAgAYM9iGjTg",
   authDomain: "heirloom22-2b4a8.firebaseapp.com",
   databaseURL: "https://heirloom22-2b4a8.firebaseio.com",
   projectId: "heirloom22-2b4a8",
   storageBucket: "heirloom22-2b4a8.appspot.com",
   messagingSenderId: "323147351760",
   appId: "1:323147351760:web:bf785136b38cb3a4d380d5"
// Initialize Firebase

Link to firestore

const db = firebase.firestore();

Overview on important objects

Document reference format


Document Reference object

method explaination
docRef.onSnapshot().then((doc) => {...}) A listener that fires when the data changes
Returns a promise
docRef.get().then((doc) => {...}) Get the document refered by the document reference
Returns a promise

Document Snapshot (Aka doc)

attribute/method explaination
doc the whole document
doc.id document id
doc.data() document data
doc.exists true or false
doc.get(field_name) access the field name of an object like a property
doc.ref Firebase reference to the object

Create / Update

Create collections

  • Cloud Firestore creates collections and documents if the collection of the document file is not found

Create new document without documentID

  • Firebase will generate a unique ID for each document if ID was not supplied
      first: "Ada",
      last: "Lovelace",
      born: 1815
   .then(function(docRef) {
      console.log("Document written with ID: ", docRef.id);
   .catch(function(error) {
      console.error("Error adding document: ", error);

Create or overwrite document with documentID

  • Create if document does not exists
const docRef = db.doc("collection/document_id");
docRef.set({ field: "new value" });

Update data or Add field using merge

const docRef = db.doc("collection/document_id");
docRef.set({ new_field: "new value" }, { merge: true });

Update existing field

  • Access nested objects using "dot notation"
  • Access elements in an array using
// inital
doc = {
  field: "old value",
  parent {
 		child1: "old value",
  	child2: "old value"

// method
const docRef = db.doc("collection/document_id")
  {field: "new value",
   parent.child2 : 'new value'} // <--- here we access a property of the object

// result
doc = {
  field: "new value",
  parent {
 		child1: "old value", // <--- notice that child1 was not overwritten
  	child2: "new value"


Read all the documents in a collection

.then(function (querySnapshot) {
    querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
        console.log(`${doc.id} => ${doc.data()}`);
.catch(function(error) {
    console.error("Error adding document: ", error);

Read a document by its ID

var snapshot = await this.db.collection(this.name).doc(document_id);
.then( function(doc)

Real-time update

  • Let query be any query
  function (doc) {


Delete a document


Delete all documents

  • Iterate over all documents in a collection and delete them one by one
// delete everything
function delete_collection(path) {
    console.log("Deleting ......")
    try {
        documents = await db.collection(path).get()
        for (doc of documents) {
            console.log(">>>> Deleting")
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error deleteing document: ", error);



  • Ascending
    • ref.orderby(high_priority).orderBy(low_pripority)
  • Descending
    • ref.order(by: same_priority, "desc")


  • ref.order(by: field_name).limit(3)


  • ref.where(field, ">", 10)
  • ref.where(field, isEqualTo: "value")

Data types

// convert date from string to firebase object
// text in the format of day/month/year
function convert_date(text) {
   if (empty(text)) return null;
   return new firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(new Date(text));

// server timestamp
function server_time_stamp() {
   return new firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();

// convert string path to firebase document reference
// text is in the format of [collection]/[document]
function convert_reference(text) {
   if (empty(text)) return null;
   return db.doc(text);

Data validation

  • For query, you can't access data because it is too computationally expensive


request.auth object

method/field description
auth.uid the uid of the user

request.data object

method/field description
data.field_name access the value of the data
data.size() length of the string

resource object

  • Resource refers to the data in database. (Unlike request.resource)
method/field description
resource.data access the value of the data
data.size() length of the string

Path matching

  • Always in the format
    • databases/{database}/documents/{document}
  • Single document wild card
    • {wildcard}
  • Multi doucment wild card
    • {wildcard=**}
    • Very bad because it matches evreything and removes all rules



  • Check type
    • data.field_name + is + number
    • number
    • string
  • Comparsion
    • >=
    • <=
  • Check if data is within a validate set
    • in [values, ...]





Data modeling

Modeling data in Firebase

Sample project