
A facial expression classifier created using OpenCV and large CNN, with numerous techniques used to increase the accuracy of the model.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A facial expression classifier created using OpenCV and large CNN, with numerous techniques used to increase the accuracy of the model.

The dataset was initially retrieved from Kaggle, with a direct link to the files also being provided:



Methods used to Increase Accuracy of the Model:

-Data Generator, used on training set: rotations, shearing, horizontal and vertical shifts, zooms, horizontal flip, shuffling dataset

-He normal initialization for ReLU layers and Xavier (glorot normal) initialization for softmax layer

-Batch Normalization and image padding

-Adam optimizer (lr=0.001)

-ModelCheckpoint, Learning Rate Reduction, Early Stopping


First Round of Training: Final Accuracy = 47.29%, Validation Accuracy = 38.38%

Second Round of Training: Final Accuracy = 58.33%, Validation Accuracy = 54.99%

For the OpenCV detection code, the Haar Cascade algorithm was used to detect faces from the webcam's input. Originally proposed in the paper titled "Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features", the Haar Cascade algorithm returns the coordinates of the corners of a rectangle drawn around the face of the person. This allows for the classification of a cropped image of the person's face, rather than the whole input image, which improves accuracy.

Link to the original paper and code:

