Repository: ms-lost-hills-areawide-y06-to-y15
Analysis of similar experiments conducted at the Paramount Farming (Wonderful Orchards) Lost Hills location from 2006 to 2015. Plots compared mating disruption alone, insecticide alone, or both together. The mating disruption treatments were further subdivided by mating disruption intensity.
Experiments included:
- Insecticide only vs. mating disruption vs. both (2006 and 2007)
- Insecticide, and 1 or 2 dispensers per acre with or without insecide, (five treatments) (2008-2011)
- Insecticide, and 2 dispensers per acre with 50% or 100% label rate with or without insecticide (five treatments) (2012-2014)
- Insecticide, and mating disruption with early or standard start time with or without insectide (five treatments) (2015 only)
Data files in this repository include huller damage, damage assessments from
windrow samples collected by the research department, and degree-day
information for 2005 to 2015.
- Huller damage: dmg_huller_y06_to_y15.csv
- Windrow damage: dmg_wndrw_y06_to_y15.csv
- NOW deg days f frm jan 1: now_deg_days_f_lost_hills_2005_to_2015.csv
- Ranch and section lookup: huller_block_code_lookup.csv
- Tier rep block arrangement:
- dmg_wndrw_interior_y06_to_y15_to_glimmix.csv
- expt06_2yr_windrow.csv (2006 and 2006 data)
- dmg_wndrw_interior_expt08_4yr_to_sas.csv (2008-2011 data)
- dmg_wndrw_interior_expt12_3yr_to_sas.csv (2012-2014 data)
- dmg_wndrw_interior_expt15_to_sas.csv
- script10_compare_windrow_production_damage.R
- script11_compare_dmg_by_md_category.R
- script12_graph_dmg_across_years.R
- script13_r_support_data_sas_glimmix.R
- script18_now_degree_days_10yr.R