
Python library to interface with Millennium chess board via ChessLink hardware

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Alpha status License

python-mchess is a collections of libraries to work with Millennium's Chess Genius Exclusive chess board via the Chess Link interface.

It provides two layers of functionality:

  • A hardware driver for the Chess Genius Exclusive chess board, supporting piece recognition and leds via USB or Bluetooth LE
  • A sample implementation to connect arbitrary UCI engines to the chess board.

Currently, the following platforms are under development:

Linux Raspberry Pi macOS Windows
USB x x x x
Bluetooth LE x x

Alpha installation instructions

This project is under heavy development, and basically everything described below might change at some point.


python-mchess is written for Python 3.x

python-mchess board driver for Chess Link depends on PySerial and (Linux/Raspberry Pi only) BluePy

Optional UCI engine support

In order to use UCI engines with mchess, additionally python-chess is used.

pip3 install pyserial [bluepy] [python-chess]

Then clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/domschl/python-mchess

Now configure some engines:

cd mchess/engines

Copy engine-template.json for each UCI engine to a file <engine-name>.json, and edit the fields 'name' and 'path'.

A sample content for stockfish in Linux would be: engines/stockfish.json:

    "name": "stockfish",
    "path": "/usr/bin/stockfish",
    "active": true

Note: Windows users need to use paths with \\ or / for proper json encoding.

Web client

The web agent requires python modules Flask, Flask-Sockets and gevent.

Node JS packet manager npm is needed to install the javascript dependencies:

cd mchess/web
npm install

This installs the dependencies Normalize.css and cm-chessboard.


Then in directory mchess, simply start from console:

python3 mchess.py

This will start chess agents for the chess board, automatically detecting board hardware via USB or BLuetooth LE (Linux, Raspberry PI only), and load the [first active] UCI engine (testet with Leela Chess Zero (Lc0) and Stockfish 9).

Enter help in terminal to get an overview of available console commands (e.g. switch sides, take back moves, analyze position).

The web client can be reached at http://localhost:8001. From remote use http://computer-name:8001.

Early alpha web preview Early alpha preview of web client "Turquoise"

Note: Bluetooth LE hardware detection requires admin privileges for the one-time intial bluetooth scan. For first time start with Bluetooth LE support, use:

sudo python3 mchess.py

Restart the program, once the board has connected (the connection address is saved in chess_link_config.json)

Do NOT use sudo on subsequent starts, or the communication might fail.

Once the board is found, stop the program and restart without sudo. You might want to set ownership for chess_link_config.json to your user-account, since the file will be rewritten, if the detected board orientation is changed.

All engine descriptions in directory 'engines' will now contain the default-UCI options for each engine. Those can be edited e.g. to enable tablebases or other UCI options.

Console mchess Console output of python module, allows terminal interactions: enter 'help' for overview


On start, the current position from Chess Genius Exclusive board is imported and displayed on the console. Simply start making a move on the board, and the UCI engine will reply. During the time, the engine calculates, the best current line is displayed on the board for up to 3 half-moves (see preferences.json to enable/disable this feature).

Enter help on the terminal console to get an overview of commands, and see below for more customization options


Currrently, there doesn't exist much of a GUI to configure mchess, and configuration relies on a number of JSON files.

preferences.json, general options for mchess

Field Default Description
think_ms 500 Number of milli seconds, computer calculates for a move. Better level configuration will be added at a later point.
use_unicode_figures true Most terminals can display Unicode chess figures, if that doesn't work, set to false, and letters are used for chess pieces instead.
invert_term_color false How chess board colors black and white are displayed might depend on the background color of your terminal. Change, if black and white are mixed up.
max_plies_terminal 6 The number of half-moves (plies) that are displayed in analysis in terminal
max_plies_board 3 The number of half-moves that are indicated through blink led sequences on the Millennium chess board. Maximum (due to hardware protocol limitations) is 3. If more than one UCI engine is used for analysis, the results of the first engine are shown.
ply_vis_delay 80 The delay used went indicating move-sequences on the Millennium chess board. Use a higher value (e.g. 160) to slow down the speed of change.
import_chesslink_position true On true the current position on the Millennium chess board is imported at start of mchess.py. On false, always the start position is used.
computer_player_name stockfish Name of the first computer UCI engine. It must correspond to the name of a json file in mchess/engines/<computername>.json. The first computer_player is the actual oponent in human-computer games and is used for display of analysis on the Millennium board. Spelling (including case) must match engine filename and name field in <engine>.json. [This is not really an optimal solution and will change.]
computer_player2_name "" Name of optional second UCI engine, used for computer-computer games and as second, concurrent analysis engine.
human_name human Name of human player displayed in terminal. This will change (support for second name)
active_agents { "human": ["chess_link", "terminal", "web"], "computer": ["stockfish", "lc0"]} Work in progress! A list of active agent modules. The agent-architecture is very flexible and allow adding arbitrary input and output hard- and software or interfaces to remote sites.

chess_link_config.json, configuration options for Millennium ChessLink hardware

This file configures the Millennium chess board ChessLink hardware connection. This file is created during automatic hardware detection at start of mchess.py.

A few caveats:

  • Automatic Bluetooth-LE hardware detection (Linux only) requires root, sudo python3 mchess.py. After successful hardware-detection, mchess.py should be restarted without sudo.
  • If mchess.py has been started with sudo, it is advisible to change the ownership of chess_link_config.json to the user account that is used for games, otherwise mchess.py cannot update the configuration (e.g. orientation changes) automatically. This will be simplified in the future.
Field Default Description
transport chess_link_usb Name of the Python module to connect to the ChessLink hardware, currently supported are chess_link_usb or chess_link_bluepy. It's possible to add additional implementations (e.g. macOS or Windows Bluetooth) at a later time.
address "" Bluetooth address or USB port name.
orientation true Orientation of the Millennium chess board. The orientation is detected and saved automatically as soon as the start position is setup on the Millennium board.
autodetect true On true, automatic hardware detection of Millennium ChessLink is tried on each start of mchess.py, if the default connection does not work. Setting to false disables automatic hardware detection (e.g. if no board hardware is available)

Json files in mchess/engines

Currently mchess supports up to two concurrent UCI chess engines. Each engine needs a configuration file mchess/engines/<engine-name>.json. On first start mchess.py automatically searches for stockfish, komodo and crafty.

The mandatory fields in <engine-name>.json are:

Field Default Description
name e.g. "stockfish" Name of executable of the engine, e.g. stockfish. Unfortunately this name must be precisely equal to the name of the json file, and must be referenced in preferences.json as either computer_player_name or computer_player2_name and within active_agents. That is subject to improvement in the future.
path e.g. "/usr/local/bin/stockfish" Path to the engine executable. Windows users must either use \\ or / in json files as path separators.
active true mchess.py currently uses only the first two active engines. If more engines are configured, the unused ones should be set to false

Once the UCI engine is started for the first time, the UCI-options of the engine are enumerated and added to the <engine-name>.json config file. That allows further customization of each engine. Some commonly used options are:

Field Default Description
Threads 1 Number of threads used for the engine, increase for higher engine performance.
Hash "" Size of hash table, usually in MB. Increase for better performance
MultiPV 1 Increasing this shows more concurrent lines during analysis both on terminal and web client. A maximum of 4 is recommended, so not enforced.
SyzygyPath "" Path to tablebase endgame databases. mchess outputs the number of tablebase references (TB)

Warning: all customizations are reset, if an engine-update changes the available UCI-options. If a new engine version introduces new UCI-options, all fields are reset to engine-defaults.

Additionally a file <engine-name>-help.json is auto-created, it contains descriptions for each UCI-option, and will be used in the future for an UCI-customization option.


                                |      mchess.py     |   Start and connect agents
                                +--------------------+   agents represent player activities
                        |                |               |                      |
         +---------------------+  +--------------+  +-------------------+ +--------------+
         | chess_link_agent.py |  | uci_agent.py |  | terminal_agent.py | | web_agent.py |
         +---------------------+  +--------------+  +-------------------+ +--------------+
                        |            uci-engines         I/O hardware      multiple web
                        |            Stockfish,                            clients
                        |            Lc0 etc.                
 -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
               | chess_link.py |           Python 3 chess link library, can be
               +---------------+           reused for other projects without agents above
                  |         |
  +-------------------+  +----------------------+
  | chess_link_usb.py |  | chess_link_bluepy.py |
  +-------------------+  +----------------------+
         Chess Genius Exclusive board hardware
         via Chess Link

It whould be straight forward to include other agents at a later point.


  • Start with option -v to get more logging output:
python3 mchess.py -v
  • Linux users: many distris require users to be be in group DIALOUT in order to access USB and serials.
usermod -aG dialout <username>
  • ChessLink communication debug

Open chess_link_config.json and insert a line:

"protocol_debug": true,

like so:

"protocol_debug": true,
"transport": "chess_link_bluepy",
"address": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",
"orientation": true,
"autodetect": true

This will show bit-level communication with the ChessLink board.


API Documentation for chess_link.py


  • Thanks to Millennium GmbH for providing all information necessary for the implementation and for providing a ChessLink sample. See: for more information on ChessLink.