
Collecting IOCs posted on Twitter


Feeds of IOCs posted on Twitter

Web version at TweetFeed.live / Code at TweetFeed (code)



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Data collected

2022-10-21 18:06:44 (UTC)
Today Last 7 days Last 30 days Last 365 days
๐Ÿ“‹ Today (raw) ๐Ÿ“‹ Week (raw) ๐Ÿ“‹ Month (raw) ๐Ÿ“‹ Year (raw)

Output example

Date (UTC) SourceUser Type Value Tags Tweet
2021-08-14 02:26:32 phishunt_io url https://netflix.us2.cards/ #phishing #scam https://twitter.com/phishunt_io/status/1426369619422502917
2021-08-17 12:15:00 TheDFIRReport ip #Trickbot https://twitter.com/TheDFIRReport/status/1427604874053578756

Some statistics


IOC Today Week Month Year
๐Ÿ”— URLs 432 4813 15426 148875
๐ŸŒ Domains 43 665 1804 28608
๐Ÿšฉ IPs 87 771 3512 60439
๐Ÿ”ข SHA256 10 78 372 24374
๐Ÿ”ข MD5 107 453 1391 4262


Tag Today Week Month Year
#phishing 402 3402 15016 183377
#scam 58 1068 3773 32811
#malware 213 2793 4180 22299
#maldoc 0 0 0 216
#ransomware 16 186 384 1012
#banker 0 0 1 32
#AgentTesla 0 6 55 3511
#Alienbot 0 0 0 11
#BazarLoader 0 0 0 189
#CobaltStrike 15 264 1248 21615
#Dridex 0 0 0 676
#Emotet 0 0 1 1614
#FluBot 0 0 0 17
#Follina 0 0 5 149
#Formbook 0 3 86 3498
#GootLoader 0 3 4 724
#GuLoader 0 2 17 252
#Hancitor 0 0 0 70
#IcedID 0 6 44 506
#Lazarus 2 6 20 171
#Lokibot 0 6 72 1204
#log4j 0 0 0 247
#Log4shell 0 0 0 231
#ProxyNotShell 0 1 2 2
#ProxyShell 0 0 1 35
#Qakbot 0 0 14 312
#Raccoon 0 0 28 907
#RedLine 3 16 44 3170
#Remcos 0 0 56 935
#Spring4Shell 0 0 0 26
#Trickbot 0 0 0 77
#Ursnif 0 0 15 362

Top reporters (today)

Number User IOCs
#1 ecarlesi 302
#2 RedPacketSec 102
#3 pingineer_jp 37
#4 KesaGataMe0 36
#5 quicksandphish 25
#6 harugasumi 19
#7 romonlyht 19
#8 drb_ra 15
#9 illegalFawn 15
#10 AP_Zenmashi 14

How it works?

Search tweets that contain certain tags or that are posted by certain infosec people.

Tags being searched

(not case sensitive)
- #phishing
- #scam
- #malware
- #maldoc
- #ransomware
- #banker
- #AgentTesla
- #Alienbot
- #BazarLoader
- #CobaltStrike
- #Dridex
- #Emotet
- #FluBot
- #Follina
- #Formbook
- #GootLoader
- #GuLoader
- #Hancitor
- #IcedID
- #Lazarus
- #Lokibot
- #log4j
- #Log4shell
- #ProxyNotShell
- #ProxyShell
- #Qakbot
- #Raccoon
- #RedLine
- #Remcos
- #Spring4Shell
- #Trickbot
- #Ursnif

Also search Tweets posted by

(these are trusted folks that sometimes don't use tags)

TweetFeed list

IOCs being collected

- Domain
- IP address
- SHA256 hash
- MD5 hash

Hunting IOCs via Microsoft Defender

1. Search SHA256 hashes with yearly tweets feed

let MaxAge = ago(30d);
let SHA256_whitelist = pack_array(
'XXX' // Some SHA256 hash you want to whitelist.
let TweetFeed = materialize (
    with (format = "txt"))
    | extend report = parse_csv(report)
    | extend Type = tostring(report[2])
    | where Type == 'sha256'
    | extend SHA256 = tostring(report[3])
    | where SHA256 !in(SHA256_whitelist)
    | extend Tag = tostring(report[4])
    | extend Tweet = tostring(report[5])
    | project SHA256, Tag, Tweet 
union (
    | join (
        | where Timestamp > MaxAge
    ) on SHA256
), (
    | join (
        | where Timestamp > MaxAge
    ) on SHA256
), ( 
    | join (
        | where Timestamp > MaxAge
    ) on SHA256
) | project Timestamp, DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, SHA256, Tag, Tweet

2. Search IP addresses with monthly tweets feed

let MaxAge = ago(30d);
let IPaddress_whitelist = pack_array(
'XXX' // Some IP address you want to whitelist.
let TweetFeed = materialize (
    with (format = "txt"))
    | extend report = parse_csv(report)
    | extend Type = tostring(report[2])
    | where Type == 'ip'
    | extend RemoteIP = tostring(report[3])
    | where RemoteIP !in(IPaddress_whitelist)
    | where not(ipv4_is_private(RemoteIP))
    | extend Tag = tostring(report[4])
    | extend Tweet = tostring(report[5])
    | project RemoteIP, Tag, Tweet 
union (
    | join (
    | where Timestamp > MaxAge
    ) on RemoteIP
) | project Timestamp, DeviceName, RemoteIP, Tag, Tweet

3. Search urls and domains with weekly tweets feed

let MaxAge = ago(30d);
let domain_whitelist = pack_array(
'XXX' // Some URL/Domain you want to whitelist.
let TweetFeed = materialize (
    with (format = "txt"))
    | extend report = parse_csv(report)
    | extend Type = tostring(report[2])
    | where Type in('url','domain')
    | extend RemoteUrl = tostring(report[3])
    | where RemoteUrl !in(domain_whitelist)
    | extend Tag = tostring(report[4])
    | extend Tweet = tostring(report[5])
    | project RemoteUrl, Tag, Tweet 
union (
    | join (
    | where Timestamp > MaxAge
    ) on RemoteUrl
) | project Timestamp, DeviceName, RemoteUrl, Tag, Tweet



Please note that all the data is collected from Twitter and sorted/served here as it is on best effort.

I have tried to tune as much as possible the searches trying to collect only valuable info. However please consider making your own analysis before taking any action related to these IOCs.

Anyway feel free to reach me out regarding any False Positive or to provide any kind of feedback.

By the Community for the Community