
A trust inference model on the hyperledger that is attack proof for communication in ephemeral networks such as vehicular adhoc networks (VANET).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A trust inference model on the hyperledger that is attack proof for communication in ephemeral networks such as vehicular adhoc networks (VANET).

General Info

The system comprises of :

  • Trust inference model which involves calculating credibility of the event messages in the VANET using dynamic metrics and aggregating them through bayesian inference.

  • Hyperledger Where the road-side units (RSUs) maintain the trust levels of the vehicles in the network using the credibility of their reports as a factor. The hyperledger network used is modelled like the Commercial Paper network that can be found in Hyperledger Fabric documentation.


  1. Execute the applications for the trust inference model

    • Calculate the credibility of a vehicle's report
    • Get the beta distribution of all the credibility of all these reports using bayesian inference
    • Aggregate these credibility report scores using the bayesian inference
  2. Start the Hyperledger Fabric infrastructure. download the fabric binaries or cl

  3. Install and Instantiate the Contracts

  4. Run client applications in the roles of the RSUs to maintain the trust level values

    • Issue the trust level as an RSU
    • Update the trust level as an RSU
    • Query the trust level as a vehicle


You will need a a machine with the following

  • Docker and docker-compose installed
  • Node.js v8 if you want to run Javascript client applications
  • Python 3.6 or higher

The source code for the trust inference model is in the trust inference directory, while the source code for Hyperledger applications and the contracts is in the ogranization directory, and some helper scripts are in the roles directory.

In one console window, run the ./roles/network-starter.sh script; this will start the basic infrastructure and also start monitoring all the docker containers.

Install and Instantiate the contract

Run the following command


This will start a docker container for Fabric CLI commands, and put you in the correct directory for the source code. Then run the following:

docker exec cliMagnetoCorp peer chaincode install -n papercontract -v 0 -p /opt/gopath/src/github.com/contract -l node

docker exec cliMagnetoCorp peer chaincode instantiate -n papercontract -v 0 -l node -c '{"Args":["org.papernet.commercialpaper:instantiate"]}' -C mychannel -P "AND ('Org1MSP.member')"

Execute Applications

install the dependencies first in each application directory using:

npm install

Run the trust inference model

Compile and run the python files Credibility_calc.py , beta_distribute.py & Bayesian_decision.py for any of the operations you want to carry out.

Issue the trust level

Run these commands in the VANET/organization/magnetocorp/application directory.

Add the Identity to be used

node addToWallet.js

*Issue the Trust level*

node issue.js

Update and Query the trust level

run the following command in the fabric-samples/VANET / directory


Change to the VANET/organization/digibank/application directory.

Add the Identity to be used

node addToWallet.js

Update the trust level

node Update.js

Query the trust level

node query.js