
Demo User Facing Analytics Application via Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL

Integration Application

Sample terraform application for client-facing analytics.

Stage 1: Exist infra

Basic application infrastructure looks as follows:


Everything is described in terraform-folder.

To run this in your own AWS space do follows:

cd terraform
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file=env.tfvars -var="my_ip=$(curl -4 ifconfig.me)"

Inside env.tfvars consist main argument that used inside module, default one:

db_password = "Password"
db_username = "chinook_admin"

Final goal is extract data from private Postgresql, to feed postgresql with test data see readme in here

Stage 2: Create and connect with Data VPC


First thing first - connectivity. For that we need to connect double-cloud via BYOA

Stage 3: Add Clickhouse in Data VPC

Once we establish connectivity bridge we can introduce private DWH instance (Clickhouse)


Stage 4: Transfer from PostgreSQL to Clickhouse

Once we have a cluster, we need to get some data. To make it possible we will create a transfer from exist postgres to this clickhouse.


Stage 5: Expose Clickhouse via Dashboard

Finally, we have all data in clickhouse, last step is here: Expose it via Dashboard
