
Personal quake map (3D Project), worked for myself and my frequent collabs, with the objective to give a closure to my first Quake maps

dungeonascension map (general info)

Author credits

Map name : Dungeon Ascension

Author of the original map: Chuma

Co-Authors and Collaborators (mapping/design) :

  • bmFbr (technical/coding)
  • Mopey Bloke (testing and bug finding)
  • CommonCold (feedback and testing)

Co-Authors and Collaborators (music):

Karl Casey @ White bat audio Track used : "The witch" (Copyright free music)

Kothic skyboxes by Kothic


You need Copper 1.30 version: http://lunaran.com/copper/download/

The making of the maps and Facts

About the map (details/facts)

For reference i'll use this link : https://www.slipseer.com/index.php?resources/dungeons-saga-chumas-first-maps.238/

These were the first map i've ever played, as an exercise if you like play them, they are id1, no music, they were made in JACK, maybe not horrible but not good maybe (?) (the "chronological order is: Dungeoncrawl, Dungeonescape, Dungeonspeed)

So for a while i've been feeling this saga of maps never ended well, but i lost the original .map files of the originals, so no substantial improvement or change, remakes either so... why not conclude it properly?

The original maps had small parodic or "comedic" parts, secrets, even monster encounters, so i decided to import the best essence of these maps with my knowledge and practice.

I wanna thank bmFbr for helping me along the way, i did a lot but he helped me a lot in some complex parts of the map and i learned some tricks and relearned ones i knew but i forgot (my memory isn't what it used to be)

the map is on protocol 666 (for a line it hits the limit with a small brush but it's contained within the limits).

Couple of resources:

Github repository : https://github.com/ChumaSuey/dungeonascension Github wiki, all of the secrets : https://github.com/ChumaSuey/dungeonascension/wiki/Secrets-of-Dungeonascension

Special Thanks

  • Forte
  • CommonCold
  • RecycledOJ
  • Kirotael
  • Damaec
  • Dany
  • Nepta
  • Admer
  • Em3raldTig3r
  • Quake Mapping community (Slipseer and Quaddicted)
  • Quake Champions community (Nyx's and Dez's communities hugs for them always)
  • Quake speedrunning community
  • New Blood Interactive
  • David's Shack discord
  • Bully squad

"The Disciples of Shub Niggurath" special thanks

I have frequent people that help me on with my maps, so it is with coding projects, so i decided to make a small group list(non-related or attached) of those that help me, the intention is that it sounds like a band, so, i'll list it as it was written with some modifications (this is some sort of "wholesome meme", don't worry, just Chuma being Chuma/ myself being myself):

  • Chuma (main mapper)
  • Forte (Co mapper and designer, helps a lot)
  • CommonCold (Co mapper and designer also Deadpool, helps a lot)
  • EmeraldTiger (Co mapper and designer also a Kamen Raider, helps a lot but has a Kamen raider suit more points)
  • bmFbr (Technical/Coding/design assistance , John Carmack in disguise but he denies it)
  • Admer (Technical/Coding/design assistance, if bm is John Carmack, Admer is an Eldritch entity)
  • Makkon (Art assistance , Adrian Carmack would be proud except he hasn't made a statue)
  • MopeyBloke (Tester, he da best bug finder and feedback)
  • RecycledOJ (Compatibility tester, He is the only one using Quakespasm and not the spiked one)
  • Yuyi and Alunadrern (They are my best friends but they actually give me RGB values when i ask them for feedback and help (FOG and Sky values), so in theory they are the "Sun and moon" of "Chuma's Quake maps universe" {Thanks for this joke Admer}