
Quake map for AD 1.81.

freyja.bsp / "Freyja's Demise"

Quake map for Arcane Dimensions version 1.81 source for AD : https://www.quaddicted.com/reviews/ad_v1_80p1final.html

Independent release by Chuma.

How to play it?

Put the content of the release folder (maps,sound, gfx/env) inside your Arcane dimensions directory.

I've used particles for rain, and as far as i know my map can be played in Ironwail and VKQuake.

VKQuake had the issue that the rain particles didn't work, this isn't an issue and isn't detrimental to the experience, but i prefer the map it's played with a sourceport that supports the rain, since it's how i envisioned it.

Author credits

Map name : Freyja's Demise

Author : Chuma.


  • CommonCold.
  • bmFbr.
  • AlexUnder.
  • Alunadrern.
  • Yuyi.

Co-Author(Testing and Feedback):

  • Forte.
  • Em3raldTig3r.
  • Sodium Chloride.
  • Mr.M.
  • Mopey Bloke.


  • Makkon (textures and skybox).

Special thanks:

  • Oak studios for their copyright free track.

Track used : Thrill (Suspense mystery piano) - Oak Studios

About the map (the relevant info and facts)

As i'm still getting the hang of using Makkon's textures, and altho i was happy with my Remix jam map, i decided to try a bit further of using them and do better, one of the only reasons this main map was made is to make a Shambler boss fight (I haven't done it since Urantia).

In technicality Freyja was my first attempt at experimenting with Trenchbroom (Freyja.bsp the original), stories of how i made the incomplete Freyja.bsp is weird, i remember coming back home from college/uni one day and making the initial layout in some hours before dropping it definitely, but the last time the original was edited was around late 2020 and i was home mostly at those dates, to me is an interesting story of origin how i made my first 3 maps with J.A.C.K level editor and how things came and went, but i lost the original .map files to improve them, in the specific case of the original Freyja.bsp i couldn't continue it since it got lost (my old computer hard drive broke and i just could get out some files out of it).

Original Freyja.bsp had just a layout and i still remember it fondly, so i proceeded to start making a map with 3 ideas: Makkon textures, Shambler boss and using what's left of the original Freyja.bsp.

Freyja's Demise was made, from the original abandoned and lost map i imported the main areas ahead, and being inspired by the latest AD_E2M6 i decided to use rain, Blood moon sky from Makkon's skyboxes and the context of a facility that is drowning.

I tried my best to keep visual interest in the map while still keeping it at my skill and capabilities of making an entertaining map.

In my rotten jam entry i used music from Oak Studios, i think it was time to have another meaningful pianos among my work... so time to shine... The fact is that i feel the song is very well looped and you don't feel when it repeats... Kudos to Oak Studios for this!

I was going to make a Shambler boss with 2000 health but then i found an enemy that could use this as a flag in AD... thankful for that.

I used Trimsheets in some parts of the map, i used my experience with Trimsheets : Makkon's video and doc, explanations by other people among the community ( i thank AlexUnder for this), and well... practice... In case i didn't use them properly or have a feedback please say it to me kindly so i can improve (i think i used them fairly enough, i'll keep practicing in the future, while some people may find trimsheets confusing i had fun attempting).

There's a small reference to my friend miss_slaughter and her dog named Freyja (who has no relation to the creation of this map, i just love the Nordic Mythology and Freyja is my favorite goddess), and special shout out to Nightdive studios and miss_slaughter for the amazing monday night frag matches, makes me start my week with energy :).

Hope you had fun playing this small project... surely is not my best work, but i had fun making it.


Special Thanks

  • Forte
  • CommonCold
  • Mr.M
  • RecycledOJ
  • Kirotael
  • Miss_slaughter
  • Damaec
  • Dany
  • Nepta
  • Admer
  • Em3raldTig3r
  • Quake Mapping community (Slipseer and Quaddicted)
  • Quake Champions community (Nyx's and Dez's communities hugs for them always)
  • Quake speedrunning community
  • New Blood Interactive
  • Nightdive studios.
  • David's Shack discord
  • Bully squad

"The Disciples of Shub Niggurath" special thanks

I have frequent people that help me on with my maps, so it is with coding projects, so i decided to make a small group list(non-related or attached) of those that help me, the intention is that it sounds like a band, so, i'll list it as it was written with some modifications (this is some sort of "wholesome meme", don't worry, just Chuma being Chuma/ myself being myself):

  • Chuma (main mapper)
  • Forte (Co mapper and designer, helps a lot)
  • CommonCold (Co mapper and designer also Deadpool, helps a lot)
  • Em3raldTig3r (Co mapper and designer also a Kamen Raider, helps a lot but has a Kamen raider suit more points)
  • bmFbr (Technical/Coding/design assistance , John Carmack in disguise but he denies it)
  • Admer (Technical/Coding/design assistance, if bm is John Carmack, Admer is an Eldritch entity)
  • Makkon (Art assistance , Adrian Carmack would be proud except he hasn't made a statue)
  • AlexUnder ( The architect, he knows how to use Makkon textures well!)
  • MopeyBloke (Tester, he da best bug finder and feedback)
  • RecycledOJ (Compatibility tester, He is the only one using Quakespasm and not the spiked one)
  • SodiumChloride (Tester and Feedback boi, he da best)
  • Yuyi and Alunadrern (They are my best friends but they actually give me RGB values when i ask them for feedback and help (FOG and Sky values), so in theory they are the "Sun and moon" of "Chuma's Quake maps universe" {Thanks for this joke Admer}