
Map for Malice (Quake) Jam

mjam_chuma / "Outpost X-2"

Map for Malice (Quake) Jam

Requires Malice quake to be played. Also works on Malice refined.

How to play it?

Just drop the files in your Malice (or Malice refined) directory.

This map was playtested in Ironwail and Quakespasm spiked.

Author info

Map name : Outpost X-2

Author : Chuma

Special Mentions section

  • bmFbr.
  • Kayne.
  • Forte.
  • daviddg
  • RecycledOJ.
  • JoyModulo.
  • Mopey Bloke.
  • Lobotomy-lobster.
  • Alunadrern.
  • ManofNod.
  • Paril.
  • Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio.

Used track : "To be a God" by White Bat Audio @ Karl Casey.

About the map / Behind the scenes info and facts.

Never got attached to Malice altho over the years i've seen videos of it but never got my attention, when Malice jam called upon it made me think if i could make something out of it... with my now in possession colored pens and my drawing notebook i made a small sketch and went up with it, just an outpost with a basic plot about taking down the bad guys from Malice, Takahiro or well Takahiro's forces.

I'm not a fan of mapping for ID1, and i took a bit to realize Malice does not have a Skill 3 (nightmare) setting, the game seemed too easy during my playtest runs until i realized this... game in Skill 2 the enemies are bullet sponges, fun nonetheless.

And about the music, Good ol' Karl Casey, never fails to deliver (you can't name a more iconic duo than Chuma and White bat), thank you Karl hope you play any of my maps one day.

The fun fact about this map is that i wanted to add an electric circuit that when shot it would turn off some lights, but i wasn't sure the "exploding objects" could have a target... so i left it as a remnant.

Also a change i've applied is that there are log backlogs in the form of Trigger_multiples with a 5 second delay, since the font of Malice isn't very readable, in the notepad are the notes of these logs! They are pretty much attempting to be parodic or comedic... hope you enjoy them.

Special Thanks.

  • Yuyi
  • Alunadrern
  • Em3raldTig3r
  • CommonCold
  • Makkon
  • Alphaent
  • RecycledOJ
  • Admer
  • Kirotael
  • Miss_slaughter
  • AlexUnder
  • PyroGXPilot
  • Mikolah.
  • Riktoi.
  • Damaec
  • Dany
  • Nepta
  • Admer
  • Em3raldTig3r
  • Quake Mapping community (Slipseer and Quaddicted)
  • Nyx and Dez communities.
  • Meowgi's community (Pacifist Paradise)
  • Quake speedrunning community
  • New Blood Interactive
  • Nightdive studios.
  • David's Shack discord
  • Bully squad